Hi could anyone help explain the instructions in this pattern to me as I just dont get it. As I have said on other posts I have a mental illness so trying to understand patterns is a problem for me when my brain isn’t working. Its a border on a cardigan and it is the button hole band but I just can’t seem to get my head around it. I have tried to insert a pic of the instructions on the pattern but it says its uoading then nothing happens I am probably doing that wrong too. Anyone help out i am pulling my hair out here thankyou in advance you are so wonderful on here I have made so many things with your help so thankyou it is so much appreciated.
How to cast off and cast on for button holes
It’s frustrating when technology doesn’t work isnt it?
Maybe try the photo again or type the line of the pattern you’re stuck on?
I think other people had technical problems with photos recently too, you didn’t necessarily do anything wrong.
Hopefully someone can explain the button band so you can continue with your knitting.
It’s not you! Wait until Tuesday to post the photo and the problem should be fixed. I’m really sorry for the delay.
Typing out the row as Creations suggests is a workable alternative if you’d like to do that.
Thank you so much for your replies I think I best type it in so here goes . The rib is 2x2 rib .
With right side facing Pick up and knit 132 Sts evenly along right front edge.
Row 1 (ws) k1*p2,k2: rep from * to last 3 St’s. P2, k1.
Row 2 k3,p2,k2; rep from to last st k1.
Row 3 Rib 5, [cast of 2 St’s, rib (13) - including St on right needle after cast off] 8 times, cast off 2 St’s, rib 5 - including St on right needle after cast off.
Row 4 rib 5, cast on 2 St’s, rib (13) 8 times, cast on 2 St’s, rib 5.
I need a really clear explanation of how to do the cast offs and cast ons mid Row. I have watched videos but they don’t help me . Thank you so much again
I assume that like row 1, row 3 begins k1, p2, k2 and then continues with p2k2 rib.
For row 3 K1, p2,k2, then p2, lift the first of these 2sts over the second and off the right needle. That’s one stitch cast off. Now k1 and again lift the first stitch over the second (a purl stitch over the last knit stitch) and off the right needle. That’s 2sts cast off.
There’ll be one stitch after the buttonhole gap on the right needle. Continue working in rib pattern until there are 13sts on the right needle after the buttonhole gap. Then repeat the cast off of 2 sts as above. Keep repeating this pattern until you have 8 gaps or 8 buttonholes on the right needle then make one more buttonhole and rib the last 5 sts. The important thing is to keep the ribbed columns aligned so be sure to look at the sts in the previous rows to make sure your k2 p2 rib is preserved.
On row 4, when you come to the gap, you can cast on the 2sts anyway you prefer but a backward loop cast on will be fine here since it’s just a couple of sts.
Here’s a video for the backward loop. You won’t need a slip knot to begin, you can just begin with the twisted loop.
Thankyou so much that’s all I needed someone to explain it to me in plain English and I will watch the video. I have said it before but I will say it again this forum is wonderful.