Thank you all.
@YarnPlease your tip did help. I couldn’t find a pattern video for the pattern I am making but as the stitch bible lists all the patterns containing that stitch I went through looking for various patterns. Anyway, I found one with this stitch, unfortunately the video wasn’t really helpful as it was hard to see the maneuvering of the yarn and needles and I did see the stitch was not completed correctly, a knit instead of a ktbl. Even so I am glad of the tip and I will try to remember in future how to look for stitches if I have a similar query. Thanks.
GG. I can Norwegian purl should I want/need to, I can’t say I see the point or benefit of it in this case. I know it helps you immensely which is fabulous though. I did try it (mny times) with following the book directions for the stitch and the Norwegian purl made no difference, still strands across the right side of the fabric because it is the second stitch being worked and although the working yarn is held to the back it is still brought forward by the right needle and in front of the first stitch. I find the Norwegian purl also makes my stitches pretty big as they distort with the maneuver of the needle. Maybe practise helps with tension there. I tend to knit with very little distortion to the stitches and get picky about a stitch stretching out.
You said you managed this stitch as written in the book though, so I am really intruiged how you did that, you left both stitches on the left needle, did not change the position and worked the leaning purl cable successfully? I don’t understand how.
On the other information you gave me - fabulous help on the 1/1lpc .brilliant, thank you! I did not know what 1/1lpc meant but it is exactly the result asked for with this stitch. From what I can see on videos the only way to produce it is to change the order of the stitches by removing them from the needle either onto a cable or just holding them secure to reposition. The description in my book is to work this without taking them off the needle BUT I don’t see any way how so I will do what was working which was using a removable stitch marker to take the first stitch off whilst i work the second stitch. I have done this before with cables an travelling stitches and am comfortable with it.
Thanks again .
@salmonmac thank you so much for trying it out. You’re always very helpful and it is appreciated.