Hooded blanket/hoodie/poncho/warm winter wrap thingy

My mom is frequently cold, so for her birthday gift I’ve been playing with this idea of knitting a warm blanket for her. I want it to be all-inclusive, with a hood to keep her head warm, and sleeves or pockets to keep her arms and hands warm as well.

It sounds like a jacket, but I don’t want it to look like a jacket. I want it to look like a rather large shawl/poncho with a hood.

I’m even open to crochet, which I’m not totally familiar with but I’m a quick learner ;]

I figured finding a pattern for it would be easy, but I’ve come across no such luck. I’m searching for seperate patterns to piece together, mix and match, and wing it and hope for the best! However, any any ANY help you guys can offer me would be much appreciated! Does anyone have any tips or point me in the direction of where I can find some? Thanks so much!

By the way, this is so cute! I keep glimpsing at it while I’m typing, such distracting little smileys. -> :knitting:

I’ve never heard of a pattern like that… :think:

http://the-panopticon.blogspot.com/2005/12/viva-ruana.html maybe somethng like this, a ruana, and add a hood to it?

I know that I have seen a pattern similar to this. I’m at work now but will check when I get home to find the pattern. If I remember correctly it’s in Creative Knitting magazine. Will get back to you tomorrow.

You could easily add a hood to this.

I started my own version of this (diff gauge, altered style) using the image just as a ref guide. (Pic below of back of my version.) I’m planning to add shawl collar and not button the ‘sleeves.’


If unable to view the Lionbrand link, here’s the poncho.


Just came across this crochet ‘shawler’. Looks like it might do what you descibe.
Quite tempted to try that one myself.:stuck_out_tongue:

Jints! That really does seem to fit the bill of the original poster’s request. Looks super comfy.


I would love to make that out of Malabrigo worsted.

Thanks Jints!

I have made a bunch of these in crochet, but now shell has come out with one in Knit also!


I love the crochet ones and cant wait to make the knit one too.


There are several patterns for a rectangular shawl with pockets, you can pick up sts in the center of one long side for a hood.

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Hi All,
I’m [B][I][COLOR=“Magenta”]extremely[/COLOR][/I][/B] new to knitting - I proudly tell people I learned to knit off KnittingHelp.com! :yay:

I’ve discovered I’m an ambitious knitter…scarves n dishcloths bore me as far as beginner projects go. I, too, am looking for a pattern for what was described in the original post on this thread - a hooded blanket/hoodie…wrap thingy.

After seeing this on a popular TV show, I knew that I simply must knit one for myself…maybe in a bit more of a chunkier style.

I read thru the replies so far and visited all the links heart a-pounding but none of them were great matches. And as for modifying existing patterns - picking up stitches, adding in sleeves and a hood, etc…I’m not that confident.

So pls, pls, pretty pls :pray: someone clever and cafty pls come up with a pattern I can follow - a long rectangular shawl with sleeves & a hood sounds abt right. It would make my entire holiday season here in chilly Norway!

Maybe you can make something like this, I think it looks comfortable and cozy too. I hope it helps! :slight_smile: