I love travelling magic loop, but why does it keep resulting in these infrequent and random, scattered double knits or double purls? I know it’s not mistakes I’m making with actual knits and pulls directly. How do I resolve this problem?
Help with traveling magic loop
Welcome to KH! What do you mean by double knits or double purls? A photo of the problem would be helpful.
I mean a purl next to a purl, or a knit next to a knit, will appear randomly in my 1x1 ribbing when I’m doing the traveling magic loop technique. Maybe it just doesn’t work good with ribbing??
I don’t think it’s possible for magic loop to produce this result and more likely you’re making an error at some point in your knitting- it happens to everyone fom time to time.
Do you know how to ladder down to fix it and work back up the ladder with a crochet hook?
I found a bunch of random incorrect stitches in my ribbing yesterday which pretty much never happens in my ribbing so I was very surprised but had to just take a breath and ladder down. Happened in the most difficult yarn to work up too, just to make it more fiddly. Great result in the end though.
Welcome to the forum!
So the extra sts aren’t just where the cable is pulled out? There are sometimes unwanted yarn overs at that point which cause extra sts. They should be identifiable because they will create a hole at the new (unwanted) stitch.
Traveling loop works just fine for ribbing and any other pattern I can think of.
You might put in markers every 5 or 10sts and keep a sharp lookout to identify any increase in stitch number. That may help track down the cause. Since it’s random it migh be accidentally bringing the yarn to the back or front over the needle instead of between needles.
I was thinking the same as salmonmac and was wondering if your stitch count changes. I use magic loop for almost all knitting in the round including rib. I’ll still get the occasional yo when I change needle tips.