Help with raglan neck shaping please


I was hoping someone can help me please!

The raglan shaping pattern set on my cardigan is:
1: K1, s1, k1, psso, knit to end
2: pattern to last 2 stitches (this is p1, k1b) and then p1, k1

9 stitches remaining

Shaping neck:
It says, continue with raglan shaping as set, proceed as follows:
(I see this as row 1 of the set) Next row: cast off 2, pattern to end

Working on these 7 stitches, proceed as follows:
Work 4 rows Dec 1 at the end of the next row and each following alt row
2 times (3 sts remain)

My query is, on the “next row” part, should I still be doing the k1 s1 k1 psso before I knit to end? I have not been doing this, as it would have made 6 stitches not 7, as I thought it would decrease too quickly, but cardigan is now not following the raglan style on the sleeve?

After this, just for into, it is:
Next row: k1 s1 k1 psso
Cast off

Thank you in advance, I am new to this and was very pleased to get this far on my front panel!

Welcome to the forum!
What is the name of your pattern and the designer?
Have you been decreasing at the raglan edge every other row till now? If so continue working the raglan decrease as you shape the neck.
Just to check the stitch count, what was the row before the “9stitches remaining”?

Hi thanks for coming back to me!

Before I got to 9 stitches, I was working 23 rows Dec 1 at end of raglan edge of next row and every following alt row 12 times as follows:
Row 1:
K1 s1 k1 psso, knit to end
Row 2: pattern to last 2 sts, p1 k1
Repeat 1st and 2nd row
9 sts

*so now is bit I get confused with the number of stitches:
Keeping continuity of raglan shaping as set proceed as follows (there is also no grammar in this pattern ;))
Next row: cast off 2, pattern to end
Working on these 7 sts, proceed as follows:
Work 4 rows Dec 1 at the end of the next row and each following alt row
2 times (3 sts remain)

Please can you advise from the “next row” part?

Attached is a photo of what I have done; which is without the continued raglan. So I’m about to undo that (and a bit further down as I can see another error

Thank you!!

No designer info as it is jsut downloaded instructions from Etsy for my first project. Like a scanned in pattern.

I have cracked it! I was doing 24 rows not 23, now it looks good and correct!

You have indeed! Looks great.

I was thinking that the initial sequence of row 1 and 2 should end having completed a row 1, a right side row (RS). The next row would start with the bind off of 2sts at the neck (7sts). On the following RS row dec at the raglan and the neck edges (5sts), work one row without shaping and then repeat the decrease at the raglan and neck edges on the following row (3sts remain).

Whatever you did, take good notes so you can mirror the shaping on the right front. Have fun finishing up!