Help with increasing and following pattern, please!

Hi all,

I’m following a pattern which repeats 12 rows.

Within this pattern, rows 4, 8 and 12 increase by 1 stitch at both ends. I understand this part.

Now the pattern says: “cont in pattern, shaping sides by inc 1 stitch at each end of 2nd and every following 6th row until there are 39 sts, taking inc sts into patt”

Does this mean I still do the increases on 4,8 and 12 and add inc into rows 2 and 6,

Or does it mean I count how many rows I’ve done and add an extra stitch on the 2nd row, 6th row, row 8, row 14 etc? And do I still include the increases already in the pattern?

So confused, sorry if it doesn’t make sense! If it helps, this is the sleeve of a cardigan.

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Welcome to KnittingHelp!
What is the name of your pattern?
I’m assuming the increases that you have been working as part of the pattern repeat aren’t part of the pattern stitch, for example, a lace pattern. If so then stop the increases on rows 4,8 and 12 and follow the new directions for increases.

You would increase on the 2nd row and then every 6th row: increase at each end of rows 2,8,14,20,26,32 and so on until you reach 39sts.