Help with Hayfield Bonus Sweater 10339 please

Hi! I’m new here and currently knitting my first jumper, the Hayfield Sweater 10339. It had been going well but I think I have messed up. I have made the back section (Photo 1) and am at the top of the front. I’ve just looked at my next instructions and seen that both next bits shape the shoulder. The bit I’ve just done shapes the neck, but the bit I’ve just done is to the side (in picture 2). Has anyone any ideas what I’ve messed up please? So gutted :0( I have put some of the pattern below. Thank you!

The last thing I did was this:

*Work as given for Back to *.Using E, work 10 [14:8:12:8:12] rows without
Using E, (throughout) proceed as follows:-
Shape Neck
Next Row. K17 [18:20:20:22:23], turn, leave
rem 37 [40:42:44:46:47] sts on a stitch holder.
Working on these 17 [18:20:20:22:23] sts only
proceed as follows:-
Next Row. Purl.
Next Row. Knit to last 5 sts, k2tog, k3.
16 [17:19:19:21:22] sts.
Next Row. P3, p2tog, purl to end.
15 [16:18:18:20:21] sts.
Last 2 rows set neck shaping.
Rep last 2 rows 1 [1:1:0:0:0] times.
13 [14:16:18:20:21] sts.
Next Row. Knit to last 5 sts, k2tog, k3.
12 [13:15:17:19:20] sts.
Next Row. Purl.
Work 1 [1:1:5:5:5] rows dec 1 st at neck edge
as before in next and every foll 0 [0:0:2nd:
2nd:2nd] row. 11 [12:14:14:16:17] sts.
Using E, work 5 [5:7:5:5:5] rows without
Shape Shoulder
Next Row. Cast off 5 [6:7:7:8:8] sts, knit to
end. 6 [6:7:7:8:9] sts.
Next Row. Purl.
Cast off rem 6 [6:7:7:8:9] sts.
This is where I have stopped

Next up is as follows:

With rs facing, working on rem 37 [40:42:44:
46:47] sts, slip 20 [22:22:24:24:24] sts onto a
stitch holder, rejoin yarn to rem 17 [18:20:
20:22:23] sts and knit to end.
Next Row. Purl.
Next Row. K3, s1, k1, psso, knit to end.
16 [17:19:19:21:22] sts.
Next Row. Purl to last 5 sts, p2togtbl, p3.
15 [16:18:18:20:21] sts.
Last 2 rows set neck shaping.
Rep last 2 rows 1 [1:1:0:0:0] times.
13 [14:16:18:20:21] sts.
Next Row. K3, s1, k1, psso, knit to end.
12 [13:15:17:19:20] sts.
Next Row. Purl.
Work 1 [1:1:5:5:5] rows dec 1 st at neck edge
as before in next and every foll 0 [0:0:2nd:
2nd:2nd] row. 11 [12:14:14:16:17] sts.
Using E, work 6 [6:8:6:6:6] rows without

Welcome to KH!
Your knitting looks very pretty.

It looks like you were fine on the first shoulder and the problem is perhaps with the first couple of rows of the second shoulder?
Row 1. With rs facing, working on rem 37 [40:42:44:46:47] sts, slip 20 [22:22:24:24:24] sts onto a
stitch holder, rejoin yarn to rem 17 [18:20:20:22:23] sts and knit to end.
Row 2. Purl.
Row 3. K3, s1, k1, psso, knit to end.16 [17:19:19:21:22] sts.
Row 4. Purl to last 5 sts, p2togtbl, p3.15 [16:18:18:20:21] sts.

Last 2 rows set neck shaping. Rep last 2 rows 1 [1:1:0:0:0] times. 13 [14:16:18:20:21] sts.

For these directions all the shaping is at the neck edge. That’s at the beginning of the knit rows (like row 3) and at the end of the purl rows (like row 4).

Your k itting looks lovely.

Neck instructions tend to happen more than once in a pattern. So you have done the neck shaping for the left side, next you will do neck shaping for the right side, then you will still have a number of stitches unworked on a holder in the centre of the front and this too is part of the neck. There is likely some instruction later on about picking up along the neck, including these, to work a collar which will make a nice edge of some sort around the neck.

So don’t worry about the neck shaping only being one side so far. You will slip your stitches off the holder onto a needle (this ends up being in your left hand when you have right side facing), then slip the 20 stitches back onto a holder, these are the neck centre.
Follow salmonmacs advice and the pattern and you will get there.

Thank you both @salmonmac & @Creations for your quick replies. I’ve knitted quite a few different things now and am usually quite patient in reading and re-reading over and over to work these things out but this one just got me for some reason. Yes there are instructions later about making a neck, after the sleeves I think. I very much appreciate your help and advice and will carry on! (I might be back lol) I’ll let you know how it goes! Thanks again!

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Love seeing the happy faces! It’s a beautiful sweater that will be a joy to wear. Well done.
