Help with fingerless gloves!!

Hello all,

I’m struggling to get my head around this pattern its my first time doing gloves. I’m not sure where exactly to pick up the sts or where to join yarn - please help.


  1. With rs facing, rejoin yarn at base of thumb and knit to end - after I’ve cast off do I literally join yarn to the remaining sts on my left needle? Is it right there’s a hole gap by the thumb?

Instructions in-between first and second finger I understand.

  1. Second finger with rs facing, rejoin yarn and pick up and knit 2sts from cast on sts at base of first finger, k4, turn. - which 2sts do I pick up and am I knitting the k4 from the needle or am I picking up a further 4sts from the base of finger?

Thank you to anyone who can help!!

What is the name of your pattern and the designer?
The remaining sts should be the hand sts will become part of the fingers. Have you already knit the thumb sts? There may be a gap between the thumb and the rest of the hand. That’s usually closed up when you pick up sts over the gap to knit the thumb.

For the sts between the first and second fingers, you’re going to pick up 2 new sts at the base of the first finger. Then knit 4sts from the sts on the needle and turn.

This is the way gloves are often knit so that you pick up new sts between the fingers to close a gap and use up some of the sts that are waiting on the left needle or on hold to complete the finger.

Here’s a video for picking up sts in case you need it (see especially about 3:00min where she picks up 2sts between fingers):

Thank you for responding!

The pattern is called sirdar 5840

Yes I’ve already knit the thumb sts, it doesn’t say anything about picking up sts to close the gap for that though. I’ve attached picture of where I’m at - I haven’t cast off the thumb yet just in case.

I’m just not sure which sts to pick up exactly, scared I’ll do it wrong again - this my 2nd attempt!

This was my first attempt and come the last finger I ran out of stitches obviously because I didn’t pick up and knit 2sts in-between the fingers.

Can you tell me from this photo where I need to pick them up? Sorry I’m just not sure from the video.

Thank you

Your knitting looks very pretty, very even.

If you have a gap at the base of the thumb, you should be able to close it up with the yarn tail when you reattach a new yarn end to knit the hand a bit taller than the thumb.
The base of the second finger is here:

It’s the space between the first finger and the sts that will be used for the second. By picking up the sts you won’t have a gap between the fingers.
It may help to use markers to mark the sts needed for each finger (minus the 2 for the gaps) so that you don’t do all the work of knitting them only to end with not enough for the last finger.
@Daylilydayzed Do I remember that you knit many pairs of gloves?

I’ve made these fingerless more times than I can remember. I know it’s a different pattern but she has a video tutorial that might help


Does this pattern have you seam the first finger before picking up sts for the second? It seems to me that that would make it easier to see where the sts to be pickedu up are located.
Or do you cast on a few sts before working the fingers?

The pattern instructions for the first finger are:

K23, turn
P11, turn, cast on 2sts (13sts)
Working on these 13sts only work 2 rows
Work 1x1 rib for 2 rows
Cast off in rib

Second finger:
With rs facing, rejoin yarn and pick up and knit 2sts from cast on sts at base of first finger, k4.

So that’s the only time the instructions say to cast on after the thumb is cast off and before the second finger starts. Does that answer your question? Sorry wasn’t sure what you mean I’m still just a beginner so still getting used to the terminology! :slight_smile:


You’re doing very well. Although mittens are fairly easy, gloves are jumping in at the deep end. So far you’ve done a great job.
“K23, turn
P11, turn, cast on 2sts (13sts)
Working on these 13sts only work 2 rows
Work 1x1 rib for 2 rows
Cast off in rib”

These are the 2sts where the pick up of sts will occur. It may make these easier to seam the thumb or pin is together even if you pin from the right side (public side) of the glove. This project from the Ravelry page shows some of the fingers seamed while the glove is in progress.

Here’s a video for picking up sts in case that helps. It’s the later part which addresses pick up in a cast off or cast on.

Thank you for your patience and kind words with me so far, I’ve progressed as far as the first finger. So I understood what you said about picking up 2sts from the cast on sts, however the cast on sts aren’t at the base of the first finger so shouldn’t I pick up 2sts at the base??

I’ve attached photos again, I think I should pick up 2sts where my finger is, the marker shows where the cast on sts are.

Thank you!

Those 2 cast on sts will “bump out” the finger. You’ve knit 2 rows so they’re not right at the base of the finger but any hole can be closed up with the tail yarn.
If you pick up where your finger is there’ll be a bump in the side of the finger at the 2 cast on sts (red dots below). The pattern clearly wants the pick up in the 2 cast on sts.
" …knit 2sts from cast on sts at base of first finger,…"

Ah ok that makes sense!

Thank you for all your help :slight_smile:

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See how it goes and if it still isn’t working, come back and we’ll think some more. Or maybe hear from a glove expert.


This video is way too fiddly to watch and too wordy until she actually gets to where she picks up stitches which is around 5:35 or beyond. And even then she needs to stop talking about how she has knit 20 fingers. There are better videos out there.

I’m sure if you have found a helpful video which is relevant to answer this question the original poster would be happy for the help. Maybe post the video you like.