Can anyone please help me with this chart? The reference image is also pasted below:
Help with chart
What is the name of your pattern and designer?
What is the question about the chart?
The link to the pattern:
I am a little confused about the 2 colors and the chart, as in where to use them, it would be great if you could tell me how the first three lines of the chart read.
Thanks in advance!
This stitch pattern is a mosaic knit which is easy and fun to work as it only requires one color per row. Looks much more complicated than that. The charts are read in rows of 2 per knit row.
This pattern has a good explanation of the mosaic charts and how to knit them.
The pattern you linked to has no key for the charted symbols. I can take a guess however but I’d have to knit it to be sure.
Row 1 knit in color W (white)
Row 2[ k2B (black), slip one W] repeat once then k3B, sl1W, (k2B, sl 1 W) repeat ending k2B
Row 3 repeat row 2
Row 4 (k1W, sl 1 B (k2W, sl 1 B) repeat across the row ending k1W
Row 5 repeat row 4
It seems as though the dots are indicating the repeat row. This may be a slightly different kind of chart from that used in the hat pattern.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate this! Let me try this out and will get back to you.
Just 1 question though, since the above pattern is in the round, will i be purling the alternate rows since i"ll be knitting flat?
Yes, you would purl on the back in the same color as the knits on the front. That slip sts would still be slipped. Try it on a swatch just to be sure.
What are you thinking of making?
A scarf
Hi Salmonmac here’s a swatch that I did, thought I’d post a pic
I have another request, do you have any idea how to do a transverse pattern of the same with 2 colors? Can’t seem to find anything. The reference image is given below
Oh, excellent! That is working out very nicely.
I haven’t seen the transverse herringbone in 2 colors. It would take a bit of playing around to see if it can be worked out in 2 colors but it certainly would be lovely.
There is a video for plain herringbone in 2 colors but it’s a repeat without the chevron-like Vs.
Hmm…let’s see, if i can work it out Thanks again
Your swatch looks lovely.
I have looked at mosaic knitting, briefly, but not tried any yet. I love the effect and it sounds like fun to knit too.
Hello Creations
you are absolutely correct, mosaic knitting is so fun and the effect is so gratifying. It looks so so much better irl compared to on-screen. I chanced upon this qt accidentally and am so glad I did.