I am making my first cardigan and ran into a problem. It seems to be a three panel jacket with sleeves and as I am working on the front left panel I got to some confusing directions.
Started with 41 stitches
As I am shaping the neckline it says
Cast off at beg of every RS row for the
armhole: 0-3-3-3 sts 0-1-1-1 time, 2 sts
2-1-1-1 times, 1 st 2-2-2-3 times.
Dec for the neck 22-22-25-25 sts in from
the edge as foll:
Next row (RS – dec): patt until 24-24-27-
27 sts rem on LH needle, p2tog, patt to end.
Rep the neck dec on every 6th row 6-6-7-
6 more times, then on foll 4th row
0-0-0-twice. Note, for sizes S & L only
make the final neck dec 21-24 sts in from
the edge (= patt until 23-26 sts rem on LH
I understand the beginning of every row but the 25 stitches from the edge confuse me mathematically because there are only 41 stitches.
As I understand after the decreasing every row.
I am supposed to count 25 stitches from the edge and mark it?
Work the pattern and when there are 27 stitches on my left needle I then p2tog (would it matter if I accidentally cast these two off instead of p2tog?..asking for a friend)
Then work the rest of the row normally…
Then every sixth row I do the same thing?
I’m confused as to what the neck will look like and also how I’m supposed to accomplish this …any help would be deeply appreciated.