Hi wise knitters, I could do with some help before I continue onwards with this Rowan Martin Storey Allie pattern…I’ve posted a pic of the section, and its the bit from Next row (RS) - is the reference to “rem sts” to the 15 or the 50 (i’m working it in small so currently have 65 st in total)? What does it mean by “neck edge”? and finally what is the difference between dec 1 and cast off 2 in the ‘at the same time’ instruction? Do I just cast off three in total?
Sorry for all the questions, this section has stumped me!! Thanks ever so in advance
Help with a Rowan pattern - turn and decrease!
All good questions.
You’ve shaped the armhole opening and now you are to shape the neck and shoulders.
The Shape shoulder and back neck begins with the cast off of 2sts on the next 2 rows (65sts).
The right side or outer, public side of the sweater should now be facing you. Cast off 2 sts and work until you have 15sts on the right needle and turn as you would at the end of a row. This is the neck edge. The remaining 63sts go on a holder or waste yarn. You’ll get to them later.
After the turn, work a decrease. It’s actually nicer to work one stitch and then make a decrease so that you have a neat edge to pick up sts for the neckband. After this decrease, work to the end of the row (the armhole edge), turn and cast off 2sts. You’ll repeat this pattern, decreasing one stitch at the neck edge every row for 6 rows and casting off 2sts at the armhole edge every other row twice more. The armhole cast off is going to be at the start of a right side row.
Ah, amazing…so in short, the neck edge is when I’m working wrong side, which is when I decrease (love the tip to work one stitch before decrease) and armhole edge is right side when I cast off 2? So none of that happens on the same row?
I have 48 remaining stitches on the holder not 63!
Not sure if it makes a difference but its Allie not Aly, this one: https://knitrowan.com/products/allie
Sorry that’s even more questions!!
The neck edge is at the end of a RS row and beginning of a WS row for this shoulder. At the neck edge you’ll be working the decrease over 6 consecutive rows so sometimes RS, sometimes WS rows.
Yes, the armhole edge is at the beginning of a RS row and that’s where the cast off of 2sts happens. Sometimes you will be casting off 2 at the beginning of the RS row and decreasing at the end of that same row. It helps to keep a chart of the rows and where the decreases are or make a diagram to show you the decreases. Then you can check them off as you work them.
The 63sts are after the cast off of 2 and just before “the knit until there are 15sts on the right needle.” Once you complete the 15sts on the right hand needle (these 15 include the stitch left over after the cast off of 2sts) there will be 48sts left for the holder. You’re right on track!
Oh nice pattern. Thanks for the link!
Right, I think I’ve got it, making the chart now. Thanks ever so, that is just the explanation I needed!
Its actually a really fun pattern to make, but I always find there’s a section in a Rowan pattern that talks in riddles