Help with a pattern

Hello! I am working on a pattern that starts with casting on 37 stitches. The next direction says to knit 4 rows in garter stitch and increase 3 stitches evenly across the last row ending up with 40 stitches.

How do you increase on the last row evenly by 3?

Any help would be appreciated.

You don’t have to increase precisely across the row. Increasing every 9sts or so will work. Usually this direction is to adjust stitch number at the change between pattern stitches, for example between the hem and the body of a sweater or hat.

What is the name of your pattern?

Pattern is:

Great looking scarf that should be fun to knit. Yes, looks like the 3 stitch increase is to adjust stitch number. The designer just doesn’t want you to bunch up the increases in one spot along the row.
Thanks for the link!

Thank you!