Help! Two Questions About This Patterns Instructions. Cable Hat In The Round: Free Pattern Link As Well!!!

Thank you in advanced to any help I can get. I would love to make this hat for my husband but the instructions to the pattern are a bit confusing. Below is the actual link.

First Question:
After the cast on and rib stitching they say:

Change your needle size to 5mm and knit one round, while pick up 10 sts.

What do they mean by “while pick up 10 stitches”??

Second Question:
In Chart 1 they tell you to,
“Knit Chart 1 4 times per round, then 2 times the whole chart and again to round 6.”

Are they telling me to Knit each round 4 times? For example Round 1 (4times), Round 2 (4times) and so on to the last Round 12 (4 times). Then repeat chart 1 2 more times as normal, and then one last time just to round 6?

Here is the link to the pattern:

Your link give me the dreaded 403 Forbidden message. What is the name of the pattern? Picking up 10 sts probably means to increase by 10 sts. Cables draw in and so need more stitches to make the width/circumference needed is why I think it means to increase. HTH

Very good looking hat.

GG’s got it, the pick up of 10 sts is really just an increase of 10sts. Distribute the increases approximately evenly around the hat so that they aren’t bunched in one place. This doesn’t have to be done with mathematical precision, just approximately distributed.

You’ll have 120sts after the increase. Chart 1 shows sts 1-30 so on each round work the 30 chart sts 4 times. Each round is worked once before going on to the next round. When you get to round 12, start over at round 1 and work rounds 1-12 again then work rounds 1-6 before proceeding to chart 2.

I would suggest, after increasing on the first round to the 120 stitches, to pause and place some markers at 30 stitch intervals.
I like to place a certain coloured marker at the beginning of the round so I know for sure that I have reached the end of a round (and can use a round counter to keep track of the number of rounds completed, or mark them down on paper), then place the other markers after 30, 60, 90 stitches, I use a different coloured marker for these as they show the width of the chart. I know I need the right number of stitches between each marker and must finish the chart at a marker and begin the chart again after the marker.

If you don’t have stitch markers you can use a piece of yarn or thread made into a little loop between the stitches. Or safety pins work.

This hat will be a lovely gift for your husband.

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Thats a great idea!! Thank you!

Thank you for you help, much appreciated!