Thank you in advanced to any help I can get. I would love to make this hat for my husband but the instructions to the pattern are a bit confusing. Below is the actual link.
First Question:
After the cast on and rib stitching they say:
Change your needle size to 5mm and knit one round, while pick up 10 sts.
What do they mean by “while pick up 10 stitches”??
Second Question:
In Chart 1 they tell you to,
“Knit Chart 1 4 times per round, then 2 times the whole chart and again to round 6.”
Are they telling me to Knit each round 4 times? For example Round 1 (4times), Round 2 (4times) and so on to the last Round 12 (4 times). Then repeat chart 1 2 more times as normal, and then one last time just to round 6?
Here is the link to the pattern: