Help, Stuck in a pattern

I’m having trouble reading part of this pattern I’m currently making, could anyone tell me what this means?

Dec 1 st at each end of next and 9 foll 4th rows, then on foll 6 alt rows. 25 sts. Work 1 row, ending after 6 rows using G and with a ws row; in this pattern G stands for a color of the stripe pattern.

Could anyone help me?


Dec 1 stitch at beginning and end of the next row

Then ‘9 following 4th’ is
Row 1, 2, 3 no decrease
Row 4 dec both ends (this is the 4th row and the 1st time you reach a 4th row)
Row 5, 6, 7 no decrease
Row 8 dec both ends (this is the next 4th row and the 2nd time you reach a 4th row)
Row 9, 10, 11 no decrease
Row 12 dec both ends ( the 3rd time you reach a 4th row)
Continue decreasing each time you reach a 4th row until you have done 9 of them.

Then 6 alt rows
Start counting rows again at 1
Row 1 no decrease
Row 2 this is the alternate row so decrease both ends
Row 3
Row 4 this is the alternate, decrease
Continue until you have done 6 alternate rows, so 12 rows in this part of the instruction.

I’m not sure about the next sentence, is it positioned on the same line on the pattern like this or is it on a new line? Or ina different part of the pattern?
To me it looks like instruction which comes after the work above but if it is written in the same line it could be information about colour changes which take place at the same time as the work above.

Hope this helps. Let us know if you need more explanation or more help with the colour instruction.


Omg, thank you so so much! This really helped. About the last sentence, yeah, I do believe you’re right. The pattern description goes like this:



Cast on 63 [69: 75: 81: 87] sts using 33⁄4mm (UK 9 – US 5) needles and M.
Work in g st until Back measures 19 [21: 25: 28: 31] cm, (I didn’t work the decreases yet, but I’ll get there now, thanks to you)
71⁄2 [81⁄4: 93⁄4: 11: 121⁄4] in, ending with a ws row.

Shape raglan armholes
Cast (bind) off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows. 57 [63: 69: 75: 81] sts. Break off M and join in A.
Joining in and breaking off colours as required, now work rem section of raglan armholes in stripe sequence (see page 2), working shaping as follows:
Dec 1 st at each end of next and 9 [9: 8: 8: 8] foll 4th rows, then on foll 6 [8: 12: 14: 16] alt rows. 25 [27: 27: 29: 31] sts.
Work 1 row, ending after 6 [6: 8: 8: 8] rows using G and with a ws row.
Break yarn and leave rem 25 [27: 27: 29: 31] sts on a holder (for Neckband).

The stripe sequence is like this:

Once main sections using M have been knitted, raglan sections are completed in g st in stripes as follows:

Using A, work 8 [8: 10: 10: 10] rows.

Using B, work 8 [8: 8: 10: 10] rows.

Using C, work 8 [8: 8: 10: 10] rows.

Using D, work 8 [8: 8: 8: 10] rows.

Using E, work 6 [8: 8: 8: 10] rows.

Using F, work 6 [8: 8: 8: 8] rows.

Using G, work 6 [6: 8: 8: 8] rows.

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Ah ok. It makes more sense being able to see the colour instructions.
You will need to count the colour rows as you do your decreases. Either write it out so you know where to change colours, or keep a separate colour counter so you can track the 8 or 6 rows each time whilst also tracking the decrease rows.
It makes sense that once you finish your decreases it is then saying do one row which will be the 6th and last of colour G.

Glad to have helped.
Feel free to post again though if you get stuck.


I sure will, thanks again!

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