Help Please!

Hi All,

I really need your help. I am knitting a baby onesie… On straight needles… I have completed both the back and front of the onesies, but I don’t understand how to shape the neck/shoulder.

Prior to completing both the front and back of the onesie I was instructed to decrease on either end of the the right side row, every other row until there were 20 stitches remaining.

So when I had only 20 stitches remaining, the instructed stated to bind off the 20 stitches, which I have done for both the back and front of the onesie, but now in proceeding to the neck shaping, it is asking me to “Mark 18 center stitches, then join a second ball of yarn and bind off center 18 stitiches and continue to work both sides in this fashion. Continue to decrease 1 stitch at the end and then fasten off”.

I don’t get this, can anyone help. I also got this pattern from the following magazine: Knitting Today Magazine from March 2011.

Any help you can provide is appreciated.



Can you give a link to the pattern?

This may be the pattern but I can’t get to the instructions. I think we need you to quote the exact directions at the end of the front or the back where it tells you what to do with 20sts on the needle up to the neck shaping. (Don’t quote the entire pattern, just this part.)

Hi Everyone and thanks to those that have responded.

I have attached a few images of part of the first page of the pattern and the area i am having a challenge with is the neck shaping. Let me know what you think and if you can assist me.



Take a look at what the pattern says after the sleeves are finished. You will eventually join the sleeves to the front and back at the raglan decrease line and then pick up sts around the top for the neck ribbing. Depending on what the pattern says for the join of the pieces, you could just leave the front and back as is (bound off) and ignore the “Shape Neck” directions. Looking at the picture, there doesn’t seem to be much neck shaping anyway.

Thanks Salmonmac :wink:

I appreciate all your help.

Sometimes these patterns are simple enough, but the sequencing od instructions sometimes throws me off.

But i thank you again for clarifying. :slight_smile:
