HELP please! How do I put stitches back on from a stitch holder?

I am trying to make some slippers and am already stumped! I have some stitches on the stitch holder and have cut the yarn. It is telling me to cast on 6 sts, work in sts from stitch holder and cast on 12 sts. I am totally clueless as to what to do. I have looked for a video but don’t see anything like it.


You can knit them off the stitch holder.

It’s a little hard to tell exactly what you should be doing without the pattern but it reads like this:
You can cast on 6 sts as you normally would with a new end of yarn, then put the needle with the cast on sts into your right hand and knit the sts right off the holder(or do this in whatever pattern st you are doing). Now switch the needle from your right hand to your left and cast on the 12 sts.

Thank you! I got it - not onto the next problem!!