help needed understanding pattern instructions

I’m still struggling to understand some instructions for completing the pattern I have chosen. Could someone tell me which rows the following instructions correspond to : “Cast off 3 sts at beg of next and foll alt row, then 6 sts at beg of foll alt orw, and 8 sts at beg foll alt row.” Thanks you very much.

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Sometimes it’s easier to take these one at a time:
Cast off 3 sts at beg of next and foll alt row, Call the next row, row 1. Cast off 3sts on rows 1 and 5.
then 6 sts at beg of foll alt row, Cast off 6sts on row 7
and 8 sts at beg foll alt row. Cast off 8sts on row 9.

Thanks a lot for your help. This is really nice. I have to get used to understanding this way of counting rows and what alt and foll really mean because I’m always afraid of making a mistake.

@salmonmac sorry if I’m wrong but I think there could be a mistake?
Cast off 3 stitches at beg of next and fol alt row would be row 1 and 3 (not 1 and 5)?
Then 6 sts at beg of fol alt would be row 5 (not 7)?
Then 8 sts at beg if fol alt would be 7 (not 9)?

I know my maths hasn’t been the best recently but could you check again please?

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You’re right. Thanks for checking.
@beatriz The rows should be:

Cast off 3 sts at beg of next and foll alt row, Call the next row, row 1. Cast off 3sts on rows 1 and 3.
then 6 sts at beg of foll alt row, Cast off 6sts on row 5
and 8 sts at beg foll alt row. Cast off 8sts on row 7.

I should stick to counting on my fingers rather than on my toes!


Thanks a lot for the correction. I think I’m starting to understand a little better because I was wondering why there were 3 decreases in row 5 and not in 3. Again a big thank you to you.