I’m working a pattern that consists of 12 rows.
Each row tells me what to knit (and purl) for the 51 stitches on my needle. To keep the pattern correct, all I need to do is keep repeating these 12 rows.
HOWEVER, I now need to “increase 1 stitch at each end of next and every following alternate row”, keeping the pattern correct and “working the increased stitches into the pattern”.
If my 12 rows of pattern only allow for the 51 stitches on my needle, how do I “keep the pattern correct” when the stitches on the needle increase???
ie. 1st row = K3,P3,K3,P3
2nd Row = P3,K3,P3,K3
If I increase 1 stitch at each end of Row 1, when I then do Row 2 and start to P3, the knits and purls won’t be correct. (the pattern then changes again).
Maybe I’m being thick and missing something! Can you help?