Hi everyone! I’m a total beginner and I’m a bit confused on increasing! The pattern I’m following says K1, inc into next stitch. Does this mean I’m increasing every stitch on the row? I’ve watched videos saying knit 1 but don’t slide it off the left needle so I just need someone to help, thank you
Help !! Increasing: K1, inc into next stitch
Could you write out the full row, and also the full row before and after?
knit 15 rows in 1x1 rib.
first increase row: (k1, inc into next stitch) to end. 27 (30, 33, 36) stitches.
purl 1 row.
second increase row: inc into every stitch to end. 54 (60, 66, 72) stitch
What size do you make? And how many stitches do you have right now?
I currently have 18 stitches and I need to end with 27 stitches
For the first increase row you do first knit one single stitch (k1) then you increase in the next stitch. As increase you could use KFB. So then the first increase row would be:
K1, KFB, K1, KFB, K1, KFB … etc.
(Personally I would probably replace KFB with RLI + K1, so K1, RLI + K1, K1, RLI + K1 … etc.
RLI is made like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHzZ8JXjwr4)
On the second increase row you do KFB in every stitch. (Or RLI + K1 in every stitch).
(The reason I would replace KFB is because KFB creates a purl bump.)
Thank you so much!! So just to be clear- when I K1, I’m letting the knit off my left needle like a usually would?
Yes you do that.
Thank you for such a speedy response! I appreciate the help!
I agree with engblom especially about the purl bump in the KFB increase. Here’s a neat way around it. Of course you can’t use it on the same stitch in consecutive rows.
I think the reason it works so well is because it is also a lifted increase. In my post above I mentioned RLI, this video is producing a LLI, but the result is one row later than when you do a normal LLI. We basically have the same approach to solve this problem .