Help, about to move, how to store projects and yarn safely and keep them pest-free

I will start moving in May and would like to know how to store and protect my finished projects. I currently keep all FOs in a storage basket without a lid. As I mainly make stuffed animals, the projects all have stuffings and are large.

I had no idea about carpet beetles and moths until I saw people desperately asking for help on knitting forums. I am now highly anxious about my work. And my fridge is not big enough to do the freezing. I have no idea whether my apartment is pest-free or not. It seems to be clean, but better safe than sorry.

I would like to know your tips for FOs storage. Also, I would like to know how you store the yarn that you intend to use in the short term. I now put the yarn on the shelf, and it does not seem safe, either.

For the moving and long-term, I plan to use vacuum storage bags. Does this practice harm the stuffed animals? Is it better if I put mothballs in the bags?

To prevent pests, do you recommend a cedar ball or mothball to protect yarn and FOs? Do they work? What other protection methods do you prefer?

I am genuinely freaking out now and appreciate any suggestions.

Thank you so much.

Be of good cheer. If you had an infestation you would most likely see the beetles and moths. Preventing their appearance however is much easier than getting rid of them so you’re right to think of this.
Keep yarn and finished projects clean and stored in boxes with tight lids or sealed bags. Cedar balls or moth balls are good to throw into these sealed containers. Their smell dissipates in the air when you take the items out of the container. Freezing or cycles of freeze/thaw are a good way kill moth eggs.
Vacuum bags sound good and items packed into them usually rebound after the vacuum is released. You might test this out with one of your projects and its stuffing.