Well, this is my second attempt to post, but I don’t think the first one went through, but if so, sorry for the double post!
I’m new here … linked here by an internet friend JulieAnne who has been holding my hand through most of my projects! My name is Brandie. I’m a sahm to my 2 daughters and a great guy! I learned to knit last Janaury when I was determined to make a pair of booties for an expecting friend! After trial and error, the first pair was finished and I was hooked on knitting! Right now I’m just kind of moving from project to project as the fancy strikes me (and as pregnancy announcements are made!).
But, I also have a question! I want to make a matching blanket/cardigan for a little girl. The pattern recommends that I use Joseph Galler Pashmina … but the blanket alone calls for 6 skeins, and at $55 a skein, that blanket is not in my budget! LOL!
Any recommendations on a nice, soft, pretty yarn that might do the trick and is a lot less money?