Having difficulty understanding a knitting chart

Happy Holidays!
So I am trying to knit Sincerely Louise’s Tiger Rug, and the instruction is a color chart. This is my first time reading a chart and I don’t understand the highlight section in the picture.

On row 27, the instruction is CO in knit for 3 stitches. I interpret it as casting on 3 new stitches at the beginning of the row. So far so good. However, on row 28, the instruction says that CO in purl for 3 stitches. And I feel utterly lost. From row 27 to row 28, I see three extra stitches. From row 28 to row 29, there are no extra stitches. How should I interpret row 27 and row 28?
And what exactly are CO in knit and CO in purl? I use the first cast-on stitch method mentioned in this lovely video by Maryna, which is simply adding a new stitch onto the row.
Three Ways to Cast On Stitches at the Beginning of a Row - YouTube
Is there any difference between CO in knit and CO in purl?
Thank you so much. :heart: :heart: :heart:
And you need to enlarge the picture to see the whole thing.

There are 3 extra sts at the blue arrow (row 27) and an additional 3 at the green arrow (row 28).
Since you’re using the finger loop cast on, you can use the same method to cast on both sets of sts. It’s a cast on that will work for a small number of sts but isn’t as sturdy as the other cast ons in your video. A purl variation will work better for more than 2-3 sts cast on.

Thank you for answering my questions the second time!
And thank you again for the wonderful explanations. I feel stupid for not understanding the chart. It is so straightforward when you explain it.
:gift_heart: :gift_heart: :gift_heart:

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Yours was a good question. Charts and knitting patterns are like a new language. It takes time and working different patterns and designers.
Enjoy working the rest of the pattern and don’t hesitate to ask if you have another question. Love to see a photo when you finish!


Thank you for sharing knitting chart it is very important information.