Hi all,
I’ve been knitting a pair of Pomatomus socks on 2.75 bryspun 5 inch needles. last week one night my left hand went a bit numb in my ring and middle finger as I was knitting so I took a break and it went away. I figured it was how I was sitting.
Last night I finished the foot of the sock (only have the toe left!) and my left hand was numb. my ring and middle fingers and part of my forearm as well. I went to bed at about midnight and now at 11am I can still feel my fingers tingling!
I have knit socks many times before and usually use my 2.5 Addi turbo 4’inch needles and have never had a problem.
I want to finish the toe of the sock and then I’ll knit with bigger needles for a while to see if it helps. (but I still have one Pomatomus to knit!)
Can anyone offer suggests or has anyone had the same issue? I am young, very fit (a pilates instructor) and have no circulation issues that I am aware of so aside from my numb fingers, I think I’m pretty healthy!
Thanks in advance!