Guinness World Record Attempt "Most Knitters" 10/1/11

This coming Saturday, October 1, at 1:00 p.m., attendees at Lambtown (Dixon, California’s Wool Festival) will attempt to set a new World’s Record for Most Knitters Knitting Simultaneously. The current record-holders are in Roscommon, Ireland, where (on April 30, 2011) 1,174 knitters were certified as having fulfilled the Guinness criteria:

–everyone knitting continuously for 15 minutes
–on STRAIGHT needles–yes, practice ahead of time
–without dropping a needle–this violates the Guinness “continuously” requirement

If you can help, please check out this site:

There’s also information on Ravelry at

Dixon is easy to drive to from just about anywhere. It’s right on Interstate 80, between Sacramento and San Francisco. Narrowing in, it’s between Davis and Vacaville. Lambtown takes place at the Solano County Fairgrounds, and is a full-on Wool Festival: shearing demos, live alpaca and lambs/sheep, sheep-herding competitions (dogs), Sheep to Shawl (weaving) competition, Spinning competition, vendors (yes, ladies: shopping!), food, and I can’t remember what-all else. I cancelled my attendance at a knitting class once I found out that Lambtown was a real-live Wool Festival, and THEN I found out about the World Record Attempt!

It was meant to be.

Please join us if at all possible! Numbers count. Bring extra straights and yarn for knitters who may stumble upon the event! :slight_smile:


Sounds like FUN!!! Wish I could come, but since I live across the country in NJ this event is not meant to be (for me).

Have fun, happy shopping AND HAPPY KNITTING!!!

Send me a ticket and I’ll be there!:thumbsup::teehee:

Sounds like loads of fun. Let everyone know how it was and what the World Record knit along was like (and how many were there).