I have the BEST babysitter in the world, and it turns out she is an avid chrocheter. I myself am a knitter so I sort of feel out of my element. Might any of you who crochet have any suggestions for something neat or fun I could get her for Christmas? We live in a very rural area, and the nearest yarn shop is about three hours away, otherwise I’d be happy to get her a gift certificate. Thanks!
Gift Idea
Mary Maxim, Herrschner’s, Noble Knits or Patternworks, are all wonderful online hang-outs for knitters and crocheters or anyone who loves yarn. You might think about giving her a gift certificate to one of those places. Very thoughtful of you!
If she does thread crochet, like filet or doily crocheting, this item might come in handy… http://www.herrschners.com/Product/Hardwood+Ball+Holder.aspx I gave it to my mother and to my sister last year and they both LOVE it!
How about a magazine subscription to Crochet! magazine? You can get either the online subscription or the paper one (although any kind of subscription should give her access to their Web site).
This magazine appeals to a wide array of crocheters!
There are two major styles of hooks, and some people really like one or the other, so I wouldn’t buy her hooks unless you can sneak a look at what she’s using. [I]Crochet! Crochet Today[/I] and [I]Crochet [/I][I]World [/I]are all good magazines.
If you’re out in the boonies like we are, the gift certificate to an online source is a GREAT idea!