Frist ever blog

Hi, I’m Melissa.
I’m left handed.
I live in the USA.
I work at a embroidery factory.I make designs…


Hello Melissa! Welcome to the forum.

What do you like to knit?

Is knitting and embroidery the same?

Hi iam Betty.
Iam new to this Need help with rose garden baby cardigan Iam knitting .how to pick up loop below stitch on row after doing rose bud row I keep trying but getting no where
Would be very great full .
Thank you.

Welcome to KH!
I found a couple of Rose Garden baby cardigans. Does your pattern have a number, a designer or a source like Sirdar or James Brett?

Can you quote the row that this instruction occurs in and maybe the row before? Don’t give us a large portion of the pattern due to designer copyright please.

Hi thank you for your response it’s a free pattern paintbox rosy garden baby cardigan I’ve done rosebud row it’s next row where it says p2 (p tog draw up loop from previous row and next st p1 ) twice ,
Thank you for your help

When you made the rosebud, you pulled up loops from the center stitch of the 5sts but 4 rows below. This was repeated 3 times. Now you’re to decrease those extra loops over the needle by purling together the drawn up loop with the next stitch. You’ll repeat this p2tog 3 times until you’ve accounted for all 3 extra loops.
It may help to peek over the needle to the front to make sure you’ve got the drawn up loop and not some other stitch.
A friend has also made this sweater and loved the way it turned out.

Hi thank you so much really wanted do this baby cardigan would have given up if it wasn’t for your reply I done the row easily how you wrote it down thank you again much appreciated x

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Oh, well done! We’d love to see a photo when you finish.

Hi fingers crossed I can finish it with no more problems will send you photo soon hopefully.
Thank you again .

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