Free stash buster to use all your scraps.

I made this up a couple of months ago. I put it on ravelry as a free download. I had so many scraps in y stash that were not big enough for anything else. This cleared them. Hopefully some of you will find it useful :slight_smile:
Lalu Scarf


I love the stripe transition. Very good looking.

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Thanks :slight_smile:

Very attractive scarf!

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Thanks :slight_smile: It turned out well and I’m so happy with it. I really like i-cords and I finish the shawls I make with them all the time, so it seemed natural to do that with the scarf.

The first one had all kind of scraps in, some were only an arms length so could not be used for anything else. I just had a corner of my stash full of scraps and needed to do something with them, I couldn’t throw any yarn away.

Then my Dad made me the amazing Wool Waltzer, it holds 8 different colours, so multi colour projects are a breeze. I made the second one (the one in blues) to thank him. I made him some mitts to go with it and I only had a smidge of the bright blue left. It was just enough to do the duplicate stitching on the DAD. I gave the set to him for Christmas and he loved it. This is the set

The best bit for me will be seeing other peoples projects. If people use their scraps then every one will be different. So cool.

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Stash busters that use up those project leftovers are always good to see. Your set is lovely and the perfect gift. I’m sure your dad will love wearing this set and thinking of your talent.


He loves it and has worn it every day when he’s been out :grinning: