Fishermans rib increase - not working!

My pattern calls for

Cast on 21
1 knit row
2 k1 *p1 k1 below lst 2 sts p1 k1
3 inc in 1st st, knit to last 2 in in next st, k1
4 inc in 1st st, k1 *p1, k1 below, rep from * to lst 3, p1, inc in next st, K1

Work 10 rows inc every 1st st at each end and following alt row.

As hard as I try I don’t get a rib pattern.

Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong?

It must be with the increase as when I follow one row knit, one row rib it goes fine!!

I take your pattern to be…

Cast on 21
1: knit row
2: k1, p1, k1 below to last 2 sts, p1, k1
3: inc in 1st st, knit to last 2 sts, inc in next st, k1
4: inc in 1st st, k1, p1, k1 below to last 3sts, p1, inc in next st, K1

I’m not sure about your question, though. Do you not understand HOW to increase or do you just not like the way the increase is looking?

Fisherman’s rib is not a “true” rib. You aren’t going to have the “distinct” columns of knits and purls that you do with traditional ribbing. There will be a pattern but it will look more like a net/web (IMO).

Does your pattern have a picture?
If not, have you googled photos of Fisherman’s rib (aka Brioche st)?

When you increase in a rib pattern, you have to expand the pattern to accommodate the stitches rather than just follow the pattern as you have been.

Right now your ribbed rows are

k,p,k,p,k, etc. (regardless of the k1 below)

After the first set of increases, you’d have to work a [COLOR=Red]p[/COLOR],k,p,k,p,k,[COLOR=Red]p[/COLOR], etc., except it looks like your pattern wants you to end with a knit, regardless of the stitch that precedes it. Just work whatever would come next in your k1,p1 pattern and end with a knit.

It’s easiest to just look at your knitting and knit the knit stitches as they face you and purl the purls–knit the V’s and purl the bumps.

What you’re doing is more the Fisherman’s rib than a classic brioche stitch. They’re done diferently but the results are similar. It should look like this with columns of knit rib separated by the purl sts.
Usually it’s done over an even number of sts.
There are instructions here for increases in Fisherman’s rib that may help.

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Thank you all, I’m going to give what you said a go Ingrid!!! I’ve sat here and written down a kind of crib sheet so hope that helps me - fingers crossed!!!

I’ve not been knitting long so am a bit clueless!!!

The pattern makes it look like try rib but how I’ve been increasing has made it come out in sections and it looks totally different to my pattern :frowning:

Hello. I was wondering if I could reopen this discussion.
Looking for help in increasing stitches at beginning and ending of row for Fisherman Rib sweater (sleeves). Looked everywhere, videos I have found do not have sound and the techniques are different from what I am doing.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you!

Welcome to the forum!
Most of the videos I see are for brioche stitch which gives the same end result as fisherman’s rib but is worked differently. I assume you are doing true fisherman’s rib where you knit into the stitch below.
This tutorial is for single increases at the beginning and end of a row.

What is the name of your pattern?

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Hello and thank you for getting back to me!
My pattern is called “Look and Make–Designers Exclusive Fishermans’ rib sweater”–but I believe it is a half fishermans rib.

The increase in the tutorial should work either way. The increases will fall near the edge seam on the sleeve so that will be OK.

Ok I will try–thank you!

Hello! I am here to reopen the forum again. I am knitting the the fishermans rib stitch and need to make increases on my right side knit rows. I understand the increasing process however I do not under stand how to keep my pattern when doing the fishermans rib stitch. If I have a (p k p k) row and in crease at the beginning and end I then have a (p x k p x k) row. I’m not sure whether to knit my increases as knit belows or purls. Which ever I choose will then be doubled, for example purling will be (p p k p p k). Please help!

Welcome to the forum!
What is the name of your pattern?
Usually there are double increases in fisherman’s rib or brioche. That keeps the pattern in register.
Alternatively, your pattern may call for single increases which double either knit or purls as you’ve described until the next set of increases where the pattern resumes.

Hello ! I would like to reopen the forum again…
I begun knitting in Fishermans rib (in the round , I’m only at the beginning so I havent really started yet). I’ve already knitted the brioche stich however it’s different for the Fishermans rib.
In the pattern, I have to increase in Fishermans rib and to work short German rows.

The following pattern indicates
1st row (rs): Knit in fisherman’s rib p1, k1b right until the stm, M1R, k1,
M1L, knit in fisherman’s rib 1 st past the previous t st, turn.

2nd row (ws): Knit k sts until stm, M1R, p1, M1L, k all sts until stm centre back,
knit in fisherman’s rib * p1b, k1* until stm, M1R, p1, M1L, knit in fisherman’s
rib 1 st past the previous t st, turn.

3rd row (rs): P right until stm, M1R, k1 shoulder-st, M1L, p until round’s beginning at stm centre back

My question is how do to M1R and M1L in Fishermans ribs ?

My second question is why do WE purl at row 3 until begging of stm?

If someone could help me understand :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum!
What is the name and designer of your pattern? And you’re knitting in the round?

If you use the M1L and M1R there’ll be an increase of one stitch. You could keep it in stockinette stitch until the second increase at which point you will be able to incorporate the 2sts into the 2-stitch repeat of Fisherman’s rib.

You can work a double increase in a single row if you want to change up the pattern a bit and if all the increases occur in pairs of rows.

This pattern with the 3rd round in purl means that it is half Fisherman’s rib. The purl sts will line up in a column with the purl sts on the repeat of the 2nd row. The purl in the knit column will be dropped when you knit into the stitch below on the repeat of the 2nd row.

Here’s a video for M1R and M1L just in case you need it.


Thank you :slight_smile:

It’s sweater no 5 from My favourite things knitwear.
Yes I am knitting in the round for the yoke.
I’ve juste knitted the first 3 rows in ribs.

For the increase shouldnt I make it in the row below?
In the pattern, it is said to purl the increase on RS and knit on WS.

For the increase I dont know if I should pick the stitch below or knit by picking UP the bar between 2 stches even in Fishermans ribs ?

I dont know if I’m clear enough…

Thank you :slight_smile:å%20engelsk.-,Sweater%20No.,drop%20shoulder%20and%20balloon%20effect.
Pick up the bar between sts for the increases, just as you would for stockinette or garter stitch. The pattern notes to purl the increase on the RS and knit on the WS.
I’m very fond of the look of Fisherman’s rib although I prefer to knit the stitches as brioche. Lovely sweater. Thank you for the information.

It would be best if you delete the first of the photos. We can’t post large portions of pattern on the forum due to designer copyright. Your first post gives enough information. Thanks!

Thank you :slight_smile:
I wasnt sure because I saw videos of increase in Fishermans ribs and most of the Time it was with the stitch below :slight_smile:
Yes I agree with you brioche knit is really nice but I have knitted so many that I wanted to change !
I will try to knit following your advice and if it doesnt Come Out well I will just have to Come here again :slight_smile:

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Yes, please come back whether is works or not. There are often other ways to figure these things out and you have the benefit of different opinions here.

I just saw this sentence in the pattern:
“Watch out that the shoulder increases are knit/purled into the row below as
well. It might be tricky to catch the correct stitch – but it is manageable and
gives you the neatest result!”

It means that I shouldnt increase by picking up the bar between the stches…
However in Fishermans ribs is there a way to M1R and M1L?..