Hi my name is Sheila
Just thought I would try to knit fingerless gloves from a prima free pattern.
Totally confused. I tried to knit the first 8 stiches then left these on my needle then worked pattern or so I thought.
Can you tell me how I do this please
Next row: K8. Without turning, change to 4mm needles and work (k1, p2, k1) twice, k1, p1, cast on 2 sts and turn.
Working on these last 12 sts only and using 4mm needles, cont in 2x2 rib as folls:
Next row (WS): [P1, k2, p1] to end.
Next row: [K1, p2, k1] to end.
Next row: [P1, k2, p1] to end.
Cast off in rib.Using 4mm needles and RS facing, pick up and k 2 cast-on sts from index finger working from row-end edge inwards. Work p2, k1, p1 from LH needle and turn, leaving rem sts unworked. (6 sts)
Cont working with 4mm needles only, taking stitches from LH 4.5mm needle as required.
Next row: [K1, p2, k1] three times, cast on 1 st and turn. (13sts)
Cont on these 13 sts only, work as folls: