Fingerless gloves

Hi my name is Sheila
Just thought I would try to knit fingerless gloves from a prima free pattern.
Totally confused. I tried to knit the first 8 stiches then left these on my needle then worked pattern or so I thought.
Can you tell me how I do this please

Next row: K8. Without turning, change to 4mm needles and work (k1, p2, k1) twice, k1, p1, cast on 2 sts and turn.

Working on these last 12 sts only and using 4mm needles, cont in 2x2 rib as folls:

Next row (WS): [P1, k2, p1] to end.

Next row: [K1, p2, k1] to end.

Next row: [P1, k2, p1] to end.

Cast off in rib.Using 4mm needles and RS facing, pick up and k 2 cast-on sts from index finger working from row-end edge inwards. Work p2, k1, p1 from LH needle and turn, leaving rem sts unworked. (6 sts)

Cont working with 4mm needles only, taking stitches from LH 4.5mm needle as required.

Next row: [K1, p2, k1] three times, cast on 1 st and turn. (13sts)

Cont on these 13 sts only, work as folls:

It sounds like you K8, let those sts hang out then (k1,p2,k1)2x, k1,p1 and cast on 2sts (12sts on the 4mm needles).

Now turn as you would at the end of a row, and work on the last 12sts in rib as given for the next 3 rows then cast off the 12sts. That’s the index finger.

The initial 8sts are still hanging out on a needle or waste yarn. On to the middle finger: now you’re going pick up 2sts from the base of the index finger (at the 2 cast on sts) and work p2,k1,p1 from the held sts. Follow the Next row directions for the rib, cast on one stitch and work in the rib stitch.

ETA: Often for gloves or these short finger gloves, you knit the thumb in approximately the middle of the cast on sts. Then you have sts remaining on both left and right needle. As you knit the fingers, you use sts from both needles plus a few picked up sts to fill in between fingers.

Thanks for that was going to give up and just knit it without fingers will give it a try tonight and let you know thanks again

Good going! You learn so much from working through this kind of pattern. @DaylilyDawn you are a master glove knitter. What do you think?

So sorry completely mixed up again got to left third finger this is the pattern
Using 4mm needles and RS facing, pick up and k 1 cast-on st from middle finger working from row-end edge inwards. Work p2, k2 from LH needle. (5 sts)

Without turning, place next 9 sts from LH needle onto a st holder for little finger.

Cast on 1 st, p1, k2 from LH needle. (9sts)

Slip rem 3 sts from RH 4.5mm needle onto your second 4mm needle and hold in your LH, as your LH needle. Using RH 4mm needle, work p2, k1 from LH needle. (12 sts)

Cont on these 12 sts only, turn and cont as folls:

Next row (WS): [P1, k2, p1] 3 times.

Next row: [K1, p2, k1] 3 times.

Next row: [P1, k2, p1] 3 times.

Cast off in rib.
I have only 5 stiches left pkease help and so sorry for being a bit stupid I have attached a picture of my knitting at least I hope
Thanks sheila

Your knitting is nice and even. I wonder if you’ve used some sts from the left needle instead of picking up and creating new sts at the base of the previous finger.

What are the held sts (see red arrow)?

Theses are the 6 stiches from this I think I just worked the stiches from lh needle and niw left with 5? Should I send you the rest whole pattern sorry to be a nuisance thought I would use up my wool and knit a pair for 17 Yr granddaughter who would have thought it was this difficult or am I making it difficult for myself sorry
*** Middle finger**

Using 4mm needles and RS facing, pick up and k 2 cast-on sts from index finger working from row-end edge inwards. Work p2, k1, p1 from LH needle and turn, leaving rem sts unworked. (6 sts)

Cont working with 4mm needles only, taking stitches from LH 4.5mm needle as required.

Next row: [K1, p2, k1] three times, cast on 1 st and turn. (13sts)

No need to post or send the pattern. The link to the pattern is better than posting. We can see the pattern online.
So for the middle finger, there are 2sts picked up from the side of the index finger (pick them up from the cast on sts at the index finger) plus 4sts knit from the LH needle. Then knit 6 more sts from the LH needle and cast on one more for a total of 13sts.
Are these sts on hold on blue yarn? Are they the 3rd finger sts?
I’ve added up sts and actually come up 2sts short myself. Those you could make up for by increasing one each on the ring finger and pinkie however.

Your questions aren’t a bother at all. We’re here to try and help so just keep asking and we’ll figure it out together.

Yes the 6 stiches are on the blue wool.yes I think they are the middle finger not sure. Should I have knitted these 6 stiches as part of middle finger?

Yes, after you pick up 2sts from the index finger work 4sts from the LH needle (that’s the p2,k1,p1) and turn.
Work the Next row: [K1, p2, k1] three times, cast on 1 st and turn. (13sts)

Will give it a go tonight or maybe tomorrow as I am off work so I can concentrate on it,this isn’t going to beat me (with you guys help of course) :joy:
Will probably be intouch tomorrow
Thanks again sheila

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Fingers crossed. (but not in this pattern, I hope)

Started again can I ask you, say to work 4sts from LH and turn do you mean turn to wrong side and work the 6 stiches. For next three rows? Not sure can you help again

Yes, turn to the WS and work the 6sts. Turn and on the next row, (k1,p2,k1)3x using sts from the LH needle after working the original 6sts, cast on one stitch and turn (13sts).
That looks good so far!

Ok done that finger getting totally confused. I have 8 stiches on a thread at the beginning of my knitting should this have been my index finger?
I can’t believe this pattern is for beginners🤣 the next part is more confusing for me. I have 5 stiches on my RH needle and 9 on LH needle. Any help would be good again

I’m always wary of beginner patterns, especially free ones online.
Originally you have 10sts on the RH needle. Two sts are used for the index finger and then 6sts are used making the middle finger (when you turned to work the middle finger, those 8sts are now on the LH needle). That leaves you with 2sts of those original 10.
The fingers should be formed from both needles. The fingers are marching down to use up all the sts on both needles though at unequal rates. I’ll give this a try on the needles and keep track of the sts on each needle.

Ok will take it back again and use the first lit of stiches. I haven’t done gloves before so it’s all new. Do you think this pattern is confusing and are thrre better patterns out there for gloves,or fingerless gloves.

The pattern would have been so much clearer with diagrams and more stitch numbers. Numbering the needles #1 and #2 would have helped instead of referring to right and left needles. When you turn the right needle becomes the left needle and tends to be confusing.
You are working a pattern that is for intermediate knitters at the least and likely better for experienced knitters. You are certainly gaining that, experience.
I’ll try again and see if I can rename the needles. That may help.

There are also fingerless mitts that are much easier to make:

The important part of the Middle finger directions is the direction to “turn” at the end of the first paragraph. Up until then the RH needle was needle #1 and the LH #2.
Once you turn the position of the needles change. The LH needle is needle #1 and you will be taking 6sts from needle #1 leaving you with 2sts on needle #1.
I find that a marker in the knitting to identify the RS also helps especially for the ring finger.

When I knit gloves I use magic loop and knit in the round. I have never knitted gloves flat knitted but I did mittens flat knitted but after I learned to do magic loop I knitted in the round. I find i much easier.

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