I’m not very experienced when it comes to knitting and tend to learn as I go with YouTube videos. I thought I’d give this pattern a try
It’s knitted on straight needles with the seem up the palm.
But have just got to the “middle finger” part and am so confused. It says:
*Middle finger
Using 4mm needles and RS facing, pick up and k 2 cast-on sts from index finger working from row-end edge inwards. Work p2, k1, p1 from LH needle and turn, leaving rem sts unworked. (6 sts)
Cont working with 4mm needles only, taking stitches from LH 4.5mm needle as required.
Next row: [K1, p2, k1] three times, cast on 1 st and turn. (13sts)
I think I have done the first part correctly (or at least I have currently got 6 stitches on my 4mm needle) however I cannot work out how to get from 6 to 13 as it tells me to turn so I can’t just keep knitting them from the LH needle, and even if I did, that wouldn’t leave enough on the LH needle for the rest of the finger?
Any advice would be hugely appreciated! It’s been actually going so well so far, I’d hate to have to give up or make a mess!