
I’ve made a patch for my felted wool slippers. I used the same wool yarn that I used to make the slippers. I’ve tried to felt it on the stovetop in a pot of boiling water and it hardly shrank at all! What have I done wrong? Can I boil it again?

You’ll probably get more informed answers from others but from what I know about felting you need friction rather than hot water.
This should help

If your hands start to hurt from rubbing you can wear rubber gloves or put the wet fabric inside plastic (a bag) with dish soap and roll it, unroll it, roll it, squeeze it, unroll, and so on.

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Thanks, I’ll try this!

If the color hasn’t run in the boiling water, you might try putting the knit piece into a top loading washer with some towels or other cloths. Pause the cycle periodically to check the amount of felting.
Nice idea to add a patch.

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