Feel of Wool


Does anyone know how “Woolly crafty 100 percent wool” feels like. I have purchased different yarn that says 100 percent wool and some is so scratchy. I want to avoid buying any that feels this way would appreciate information from anyone who has used it or has come across it and felt it. This yarn is being sold online so can’t feel it myself. Thanks

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I haven’t used it but I found it on Ravelry. You can check out the project pages. There’s one comment that it’s “quite scratchy and stiff and not pleasant to knit with.” To me the photo looks rough and scratchy.



Wool that is labeled “craft” is often meant for items other than garments, e.g. children’s crafts, wall art, felted coasters or small rugs.

It is called “Crafty” so that may be what they are getting at with the name, although you can’t be sure. Most online shops and yarn companies are happy to answer questions so you could phone or email to ask whether it will be suitable.

If you can tell us where you live (which country) and what thickness of wool you want and what you plan to knit with it, and your budget, we might be able to recommend a few options that won’t be scratchy.


I would like to make garments. Thanks for your input and recommendations.

If you want to knit with wool, yarns that have merino wool are soft and lovely to work with.


Agreed - and maybe a wool blend would work, too. I have also worked with superwash wool (namely Cascade) and that is also non-scratchy in my experience. I’m not sure how it is after blocking, as I generally don’t make anything that requires it.

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