Feather and Fan pattern helpPls

Hi!! I often read this site while relaxing with my tea/coffee and now I need help. I purchased a lot of acrylic yarn to make a feather and fan baby blanket. I made one 9 years ago with good quality wool and now I am using a different pattern and it confusing.’It says on one side this :

and on the other side:

Which do I follow? I have watched videos and read of other ways. What does it mean by “to last 12 St’s,k2tog three times . ? Do I wait till I am at the last 12? Thank you!


The basic stitch pattern is on that first page but to make the blanket you start on the second page.
It looks a little different in the instruction because it has half a fan each side (the “three times”) and full fans in the centre (the basic stitch pattern with “six times” in the instruction). It’s just that the designer has decided this how they would like the fans to reach the edge boarder.
There is a garter border too which is another reason the instruction looks a bit different kn the second page. The knit 6 at beginning and end of rows 1 and 3 are to maintain this garter border. If you wanted you could make this in white or a colour of your choice to match the top and bottom garter border, and use your colours for the rest of the blanket.

Yes, “to last 12 sts” means as you thought, when there are 12 stitches remaining on your left needle that’s when you do these final instructions for the row,
K2tog 3 times (half a fan) and knit 6 (the garter border).

I hope this helps so you can get started.
It is a very pretty pattern.

The first page is giving you the basic pattern. The second page is the directions for the blanket itself. However, the pattern on the second page doesn’t work. There are too many decreases.
It should read:
K6 [k2tog x3, (yo, p1)x6, (k2tog x3] repeat across the row to the last 6sts, k6
This way the increases and decreases balance out and the stitches won’t be decreasing as you work row 1. The repeat in brackets is worked 7 times. It might help to put in markers between repeats.

ETA: The pattern has been revised probably since the version you have. This is another way of working the stitch pattern which will also balance the increases and decreases.

Row 2: Knit 6, (K2tog) x3, *[ (YO, P1) x6, (K2tog) x6 ] repeat from * to last 18 sts, (YO, P1)x6, (K2tog)x3, knit6.

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I realize it has been a long time getting back to this. Baby blanket was made . I had to do such stuff now a bad memory- never do that pattern again!

This is how it came out. Thank you ladies!


So worth the time and effort! It’s a beautiful heirloom blanket which will be treasured, I’m sure.

Your blanket is beautiful.

I hate to mention this because I’m one that is full of good intentions and less full of follow through. But this pattern lends itself to my technique of getting the correct slant/overlay on increases and decreases without SSK or SSP. Not every lace or wavey pattern is suitable for this. But this one is. And I believe it saves time and decreases error. (But you do have to think a little more so maybe that would affect the error thing). I keep thinking of making a video. I’ve never seen anyone else address it in written or video form. But one Swedish designer came close on her intricate cable technique. If you know of someone who has taught on this subject, let me know & I can say “whew! Dodged one there”.

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