Favorite needles for small-scale knitting?

When I was in Sweden last winter, I picked up a pattern at the Jamtli museum, for a pair of mittens from 1895. I also got yarn from the museum’s herd of heritage sheep! However, I don’t have any needles small enough. It calls for 2mm (US Size 0). I usually need to go up a size, and I usually knit with wooden or bamboo needles. I suspect I’ll have to use metal, though, as I’m not seeing any wooden ones that small, and that might change my gauge.

I’d rather not spend a fortune test-driving needles, so…what are your faves for this sort of thing?


This link should show a variety of bamboo/wood in 2mm, fixed circular, double pointed, straight single pointed, varying prices and brands, and ignore the crochet hook at the end of the list.
I have knit Pro fixed circular Basix Beech which I think are the cheapest option and they are very nice. I have 2mm, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75 in a couple of different length cables, then mine switch to interchangable from 3mm

Knit pro Basix beech

Hope you find some you are happy with.
I searched for a long time for these thinner wood needles and couldn’t believe I eventually found them on the site I buy yarn from, much going around in circles and back to the starting point!

Great knitting pattern - have fun!


I use metal fixed circs from Knitter’s Pride. Wood needles that small snap easily.


I like Knitter’s Pride Zing Fixed Circular - they have nice points. I have the 2.5mm but they are available in 2mm.

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I’ve given up with small bamboo/ wooden needles ( less than 3.5 mm) as they are so easy to snap under normal knitting conditions, especially small circumference when you’re trying to avoid ladders.
I used knit pro zings (metal) and have a set of two in each size as I work small circumference with two circulars as I find that magic loop wrecks the cables!


I don’t have a problem with magic loop wrecking cables. I’ve been using my fixed circs for magic loop for maybe 8 years or more. I wonder why the difference for us.

I also like the Knitpro Zing DPNs. Have tried the cubics but found mine bent out of shape quite easily, although they’re otherwise quite nice to work with.

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I don’t know but I bought some very expensive chiagoo long cables and had a split within one project! I am a tight knitter but I wasn’t risking that again​:rofl::rofl:

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Thanks, all! A friend has loaned me some Addis, so I can try to figure out my gauge before I buy some of my own. I’ll definitely try the KnitPro Zings, they sound like the best bet.

Yikes. Did the warranty cover a replacement?

I have Zings and enjoy using them for the right projects. They aren’t as pointy as my Nova Platina tips, nor as slick. Just offering what might be useful info. I was first attracted to Zing by the colors and tried a set of tips. I then bought the whole set. I still love the colors in part because it’s easy to grab two of the same size on the occasions when I happen to have several sets of tips loose at the same time.

For my current big project I have one row in the 40 row repeat that has 40 cdd’s (4 in each of 10 repeats) and the rows with cable crossings have 20 crossings, two each repeat for 10 repeats. I’m not using Zing tips.

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The shop did send me another one but I sensed suspicion in their response, despite me offering to return the damaged one!! I really hate feeling that small shops think I’m pulling a fast one!! :anguished:


It counts that you know you’re being perfectly honest about the problem. We know it too.
I’ll bet you’re not the only one to have a problem and complain to them either.


I have bamboo needles size 2.25mm (uk13) and I have metal needles size 2.00mm (uk14).
I don’t think I’ll ever use them so you’re welcome to them.
Depending where you are, I could possibly post them to you.
I live in England.


Very kind, but I’m in the US. I’ll use the ones my friend loaned me and see how I get on.

Okay. Hope it goes well.

I’ve had a similar experience with yarn from Knit Picks. Knit Picks lost me as a regular customer.