I have an idea of a sweater I’d like to make (I can see it in my head!) - but I have no idea how to start. Do you have favorite books for garment construction for handknits? Also, books for designing colorwork?
Thank you!!
I have an idea of a sweater I’d like to make (I can see it in my head!) - but I have no idea how to start. Do you have favorite books for garment construction for handknits? Also, books for designing colorwork?
Thank you!!
I like the books by Ann Budd for different types of sweaters at different gauges.
Answer for colourwork:
I was having a look at Alice Starmore’s book “Charts for Colorwork Knitting” recently. It has charts relating to various colourwork traditions from around the world, but it also has a nice section on arranging motifs on a garment. (Most libraries should have the recent reissue, and, if not, you can usually request an interlibrary loan for a small fee to get it from another library network.)
If you are thinking of designing the motifs themselves, Knitsonik books have ideas on how to do this. (I haven’t looked at them in great detail but the ideas of using colours and themes from your environment seemed appealing in terms of sparking creativity.)
If you like the idea of unconventional, almost “punk” motifs, you could have a look at a movement called “hønsestrikk” from Norway.
Edited to add: Andrea Rangel and Tin Can Knits also have nice motifs and designs. Tin Can Knits have a couple of designs that are made for you to “colour in” yourself, with suggestions for motifs and colourways to get you started.
Answer for knitwear design:
Hmm, there are quite a few, including quite a few out of print ones that you may be able to get at your library or second hand.
I’m just going to name some authors (and bloggers) to check for at your library or online because I’ve got brain fog today.
Any of the big fat knitting reference books will also be helpful, e.g. Reader’s Digest, Vogue Knitting, Montse Stanley, Maggie Righetti. And Dover Publications has interesting and inexpensive reprints of older titles on ganseys and traditional knitting styles that are worth a look.
If you prefer a formula for various gauges rather than starting from scratch, I second salmonmac’s suggestion for Ann Budd’s books, which have a nice selection of classic styles. The one sticking point might be that they are not written with colourwork in mind.
I don’t have any book suggestions but it may help others to help you if there is a type of sweater in your head - colourwork, cables, lace, and what sort of shape.
Very exciting making your own design!
Oh, and if you fancy steeking Norwegian style, Arne & Carlos have a series on this on YouTube. You could use one of their designs, put in your own motifs, then follow their instructions for cutting and finishing. They use a sewing machine, if I remember rightly.
I want to construct a v neck cardigan with drop shoulders and a scalloped edge for the button band!
Cheryl Brunette has a series of 15 youtube videos on how to make a sweater. I found the series very helpful. Here is a link to the first video (each lesson has a link to the next one in the series):
I made the sweater and it was adorable. She also has many good videos on Knitting.
I have Sally Melville’s book “Knitting Pattern Essentials”. I borrowed it from the library and found it so useful that I decided to purchase my own copy.