EZ's Baby Surprise Jacket

Greetings to everyone!! I’m wondering has anyone here made (or attempted to make) this jacket? If you’ve completed it successfully, which pattern/book did you use? Is there any understandable pattern out there that has row-by-row instructions?

I’ve tried to read through her instructions in the Knitting Workshop book and I don’t get them at all!! It’s like trying to read a foreign language. I’d like to try to read through some instructions first, to decide if I want to make this. So, I’m not all that interested in paying more than $10 for something that I might not ever use.

So…anyone ever made this?

I’ve made the Baby Surprise jacket from the pattern in The Opinionated Knitter. It’s a difficult pattern to read because you have no idea where it’s going and there aren’t any identifiable pieces (sleeves, back, fronts). I depended heavily on markers and it all worked out.
I seem to remember a friend telling me there were updated instructions available. I’ll post again if I can find anything out.

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How interesting.
My son would love one of these is some bright colours! It will have to be a future project though.
There is a pattern calculator you can purchase which tells you row by row instructions, not seen it or used it, just read it exists.

However… not sure you would need it if you watch this amazing set of videos as they seem to explain everything

I’ve just watched them all as it was so interesting.

The photos and descriptions here, i found interesting too. It was just helpful to see what this project looked like as it was intriguing. There are some tips there too.

Maybe you have already seen those videos, but perhaps might help someone else who looks for this pattern.

It looks so exciting!

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This link is from my knitting friend who also made the jacket from the original pattern. This is an update and clarification from Schoolhouse Press run by EZ’s daughter.

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