Hi everyone. I’m doing my first knitting project and unfortunately I snapped a needle towards the end of completing the front and the knitting fell off. I rescued it, but I had to unravel a few rows to where it was plain stockinette stitch because I couldn’t work out how to put it back on the needle on the row that was K2, yarn over. It’s all back on new, non-snapped needles but I’ve done something wrong and I can’t work out what / how to fix it. There are places where the yarn is in additional big loops across the back. That’s not a good description at all so I’ve taken a photo so you can see what I mean. Can anyone tell me what I’ve done / how to fix it? I’ve tried googling but I can’t find anything because I don’t really know what this particular mistake is called!
I’m a new knitter and I’d really appreciate the help! Thanks all in advance!!