Easy question for those experienced knitters: sweater pattern. “2 edge stitches in garter stitch”. Does this mean I knit 2 stitches at the start of every row? What are 2 edge stitches?
Edge stitches
It either means 2 knit stitches on each edge (knit on every row throughout) or 1 knit stitch on each edge (knit every row throughout). I think looking through the instructions for a number of rows will help you decipher which it is - how many stitches do you have, and how many are used for the main pattern?
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It will be 2 stitches in garter at each end.
Yes k2 then pattern, then at the end of the row k2. This is both sides RS and WS.
If you zoom in on the photos of the jacket pattern (they are easier to zoom in to on ravelry) you can see a little garter edge on the bottom hem and continuing all the way up the front opening.
Hope this helps
Thank you everyone