Hi! I’m a new knitter and I wanna start a project but I’m not sure what to do! Which projects did you all do as beginners? Any suggestions? Btw anything other than a scarf
Easy knitting projects?
What interests you? A short scarf can be sewn together at the ends for a neckwarmer. There are patterns for hats and mittens or fingerless gloves that can be done on straight needles. Most sweaters can also be done on straight needles. All these require sewing up.
How brave are you? What appeals to you? My first project was probably a scarf. I knit my first pullover sweater when I’d only been knitting for 3 mos though. Some people do it quicker, some wait years before their ready.
If you are so new you haven’t done anything yet then I suggest just practicing first so you can remember what you’re doing and learn not to add accidental stitches, etc.
I just started too. But my first project is a scarf so that doesn’t help you too much. My friend who taught me said that a hat isn’t too complicated for a first project either. I’m pretty sure hats are usually knit in the round, but so is my scarf and I’ve been fine with it.
Years ago when I first tried to learn, the friend who was teaching me was trying to get me to knit a dishcloth. It makes sense–it’s not complicated and it’s fairly small–but it didn’t hold my interest and I abandoned it. So make sure to choose something that will keep you motivated and wanting to work on it.
My first project was a headband in garter stitch. A scarf is also a good project.
Thanks a bunch for the suggestions! =) I think I might need to practice more before I start a project but I’ll keep these ideas in mind :knitting:
I’m a beginner also and I found this pattern and thought that since there are three different stitch patterns that I would not get bored with it but also not so difficult that I would not want to quit.
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You know, I missed this part of your question - “Which projects did you all do as beginners?”
I spent a lot of time just playing with the string I used for yarn (I was 14) and learning how to make the stitches, then did a stuffed rabbit for my niece for my first real project. I played some more with the leftover yarn and needles, practiced patterns from a pattern booklet, and made a top down raglan pullover with a cable on the front later that year. I just followed the instructions in the pattern for the cable and it came out fine.
So really, you can do anything you really want to do, you don’t have to take baby steps if you want to fly with the eagles…
First project? My first “real” project was a hooded cardigan sweater with pockets (it was on the ambitious side) for my grandson who had outgrown the pullover sweater I’d crocheted and thought I should make him another. It’s definitely a wear-at-home garment and he does wear it. I’d learned how to make knit and purl stitches but never did anything with them before. The yarn he picked out wasn’t crocheting up well and I just had to try knitting. I made a number of dish cloths and wash cloths to practice tension and everything and to work out some stitch patterns. My second big project was a sweater for my granddaughter and it turned out well enough that she wore it to school and friends said, “Where’d you get your sweater? I want one.” At least that’s what she told me.
Think about what you want to learn to do, how long you want to spend on it (days, weeks, months, years…) and pick something that will help you learn those things. My sweater was an opportunity for learning ribbing, pick up and knit, buttonholes, seaming, binding off at the beginning of a row, neck and armhole shaping… and frogging. Lots and lots of frogging.
First of all, welcome! My first project was a coaster knit in stockinette stitch with bulky yarn. A set of coasters is never a bad thing to have or to gift. As a bonus, you don’t have to worry about gauge and extra bonus, if your tension is off or make mistakes there’s not that much to rip out.
Whatever you choose, have fun!
All you have to know to knit this dishcloth:
knit stitch, yarn over, knit 2 together.
I’ve knit several. Use cotton yarn.
i was about 10, my first project was a scarf. I moved on to baby blankets and slippers shortly after.