I am helping my daughter with a project she is working on which involves intarsia. There are numerous small sheep which I am going to do using duplicate stitch. The sheep do not have many stitches. Just wondering how people feel about duplicate stitch. Hopefully the image shows below.
Duplicate Stitch
Duplicate stitch is great for motifs. I do it on mitts I make for a friend of mine, I also did a ghostbusters hat a while back.
Here are mine -
I did it because I wanted to do motifs and stranded colourwork for mitts just wasn’t working at all. I emailed Dianna Walla from Paper Tiger about it and it was her that suggested duplicate stitching.
This is a really good video. Everything is explained and you can see what is possible
The picture you’ve put would be perfect for duplicate stitching. Please post the finished project, I’d love to see it
Thanks for sharing! I will definitely post when my daughter is finished. Thank you for sending the video as well. I love your ghost busters and the mittens!! Moving onward and upward! Fingers crossed. Happy knitting, happy summer!
Duplicate stitch works so well and is a life saver for small details. I might be tempted to work the sheep carrying the background color across the white. Definitely work the black detail in duplicate stitch. Either way it’s going to be adorable.
Just wanted to come back to say the video is terrific. Watching it now! Thanks again.
Thank you. This is my daughter’s first time using intarsia (for everything except the sheep). I’m doing the sheep so she has two less colors to worry about.
Happy Knitting!
Thank you for video. Already had idea how to use it for my grandsons. Using multiple colors to knit is not my “cup of tea”, to stressful for me right now unfortunately. Stitching with graph afterwards will be perfect and without anxiety.
Glad it’s helpful. When I did the ghostbuster hat I used a chart. This one https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/2015-gal-47-ghostbusters For the mitts I would look up cross stitch motifs, editing some of them, but once you have the basic grid you’re fine. I think the air balloon one I drew myself on squared paper. Duplicate stitch is so versatile.
The writing on the Lalu mitts I used a chart from one of my alterknit books, just using different colours for each line.
I feel the same way about duplicate stitch as I do just about any technique. It has to meet certain criteria.
- Does it work for me and produce the desired result?
- Is it the easier, less confusing approach?
I think your probable answer to both is yes. For me that would mean use duplicate stitch.
I admit that my experience with intarsia is very, very limited. I’ve not been motivated to try anything complicated using it. I applaud your team effort on this project!
I am not an intarsia expert by any means but I have used it a few times. Takes a lot of patience with all those bobbins hanging behind your work. Here’s my sample lamb for my daughter’s blanket. Definitely find this easier than intarsia. Maybe because its worked over only a few stitches.
That looks great
That’s beautiful. Good job!
Thank you!
Looking good! It’s going to be an adorable project.
That is nice work. Good job!
This looks great, it’s going to be a fab project.
While at times I wouldn’t want duplicate stitch because it can be a bit raised from the main fabric and show as thicker there with it having 2 layers of yarn. In other projects I think it’s perfect. I actually think a more raised duplicate on things like these sheep is a better result than intarsia. Having the sheep a touch raised adds to the overall design and result in my opinion.
In some projects using duplicate in a heavier or different textured yarn would also give great results- such as a fluffier (mohair type) yarn for sheep. I doubt you’d want fluffy for a baby blanket but I’m just using it as an example.
I agree. Giving the sheep a little texture will be nice. I have used mohair before at the bottom of a baby bunting. The yarn recommended for the baby sheep blanket is not that thick so I think duplicate stitch will work well also.
Thank you for your reply!