Double Pointed Needles

I am knitting a hat on US10.5 needles and will switch to double pointed needles for cap shapping. What size double pointed needles do I use? I’ve used double pointed needles before but this pattern doesn’t mention size for cap shaping. I don’t think I’ve even seen DPN this size.

Thanks in advance!

I only use DPNS if I have no other choice, I use a 40cm circular for hats, and a 25cm for mitts.

When I do the final bit of a hat I use the same mm DPNS as the rest of the hat.

Are these what you are looking for?


You’re more likely to use smaller needles for the hat band than for the crown. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to find DPNs so large. If you don’t want to invest in the ChiaGoos, mentioned by @YarnPlease, you can get circs that size. If you can’t get a short cable, then you’ll have to put up with the annoyance of the magic loop, but it’s for just a short section, so it’s do-able.

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There are loads of needles this size on amazon in the UK and I’m guessing in the US too. Maybe look for 6.5mm if you’re not having luck with a search for the US size 10.5. Some search engines will look at the 10.5 and guess it’s mm rather than US sizing so looking for the metric size may be easier.
There are single sets of branded needles this size for under £5 and sets of 55 or 75 needles (sizes 2mm to 6.5mm) for under £10 in bamboo or metal.
I don’t have dpns but I did buy a budget set of bamboo needles both straight and circular when I started knitting 3 years ago and they lasted really well. The size I used the most admittedly broke after about 2 years but even so, I think that’s a lot of knitting. I’m still using some of them and some are still unused there were so many sizes (which is also great for small adjustments in gauge).

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Great! Just ordered. I don’t usually knit on such large needles for anything.
Thank you!

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Thank you! I just ordered the DPNs @YarnPlease mentioned. I am so bad at the magic loop!!! I always try to avoid that! :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I ordered the US 10.5 mentioned above. I will now have a large variety of DPNs also!

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I’ve no problem with going with smaller needles at the top of a hat and will change tips on my circ - yes, I use magic loop - but recalled this TECHknitting post and thought it might be of interest. I usually do pinhole cast ons using smaller needles too.

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You’re welcome, glad the link was useful :slight_smile:

Please post a picture of the finished hat. I love seeing makes :heart_eyes:

You and me both! I’ll do just about anything to avoid having to use magic loop.

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Definitely. I don’t think I have ever used it, that’s how intimidating I find it!!! Avoiding it as long as I can! :blush:

I think I forgot to thank you for your response. Thanks for the article from techknitting as well!!!

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We’re all different! I find Magic Loop SO much easier than fussing with 4-5 needles at a time! You should give it a try sometime…you might like it! You could also use 2 circs for the decreases. For me, anything is better than DPNs!

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And that’s why we have so many choices these days. I’m glad I tried magic loop and two circs. I just proved to myself that I’m pretty much rubbish with those methods. I really did try my best several times. No go. Not in any universe. So I encourage folks to try all the methods they can to find the one(s) that work best for them. Because there’s a reason why there’s more than one way to fight your way out of a wet paper bag.