Hi all…
I am brand new to this forum, just found it while I was looking online for some help with my project. I am a relatively new knitter, about 3 years, and only a few projects. But I pick up things pretty fast and have taught myself a lot with books. However, I am stuck. I am working on a sweater for my son, pattern seemed simple enough. I have just been working the back with a striped pattern, knit one row CC, purl one row CC, knit one row MC, Purl one row MC. However, I have come to a part that I am not sure what to do. I have researched, and determined it is probably double knitting, so I need to learn how to do that, but then I also have some questions. Here is what the pattern says:
[B]Keeping in pattern, k 16sts. Join second strand of yarn and bind off next 15 sts, k to end. Working both sides at once, work even in pattern until Back measures 17 inch from begining. [/B]
Ok…keeping in pattern? meaning the stripe pattern or knit one row purl next?
Join second strand of Yarn? Do I use the same color yarn? If I do, how do I double knit with the same color yarn, how do I know which yarn goes with front and which with back.
Work in even pattern? Do I knit purl now, or what does this mean. I realize I am basically doing every other sticth, but not sure which to purl and which to knit and how to figure that out.
Any help would be great! Thanks!