Double Knitted Edge Mistake

Hello! I am currently working on My Favourite Things’ Cami No. 5 and I’ve run into an error while working on the armhole edges, which are worked in double edge knitting.

I’ve attached a photo, but you’ll see that there’s a bar in the work now and I’m not sure how to fix it. For context, I did slip a few stitches off from the row prior (my cat distracted me :sob: ) but I thought I put them back on correctly (obviously not). Now I’m a little afraid to continue on!

Any help would be so appreciated. Otherwise I may just keep on going and try to ignore it…

You could take the needle with the sts in your right hand and undo the knitting as you slip the previous row’s last several sts back to the left hand needle. There may be a knit stitch that is out of place in addition to the bar. Taking out those last few sts one at a time may solve the problem. It’s akin to “unknitting” or tinking. In your case you’ll be doing it for double knitting.

Nice cami with beautiful detail.

Thank you so much for your help. I’ve gone back and tinked to where I think the issue started but now I’m stuck again. What would you say has gone wrong here?

You may need to rearrange the sts so that you have the alternating knits and purls. You can see that alternating pattern in the sts to the left but its gotten lost in the sts on the right needle. See if you can re-establish that pattern. Peeking over to the other side may also help with the rearranging.
Your double knitting looks so lovely and even so far. Are you working it on a single row alternating knits and purls or are you working two rows, slipping the purls?


I see! I will try this when I’m back from work and let you know how it goes!
Thanks so much for your help – this pattern has been one huge learning process for me as I’m still a fairly inexperienced knitted, having just a simple cardigan in stockinette before this. It’s been rewarding and frustrating almost every new step of the way haha.

This double knitting is worked on two rows with slipped purls! ˙ᵕ˙ I didn’t know there were two ways to double knit, but hopefully I can learn the other method soon!


Good going! This looks like many new techniques for a second project but that’s such a good way to learn. If you can add just one new technique with each project you’ll be an experienced knitter in no time.

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I just wanted to jump in and say I was able to remedy the situation with your advice! I had somehow picked up the stitches I originally dropped out of order so the edge stitch was in the middle and jumbling everything up. It took me a LOT of staring at the three stitches before I could bring myself to move anything because I was so nervous! Thank you so much - I appreciate this forum incredibly! I’ll post a photo of the finished arm edge when I’m done.


Thanks for the follow up. It is a jump into the unknown but you managed it!

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