I am trying to follow this pattern:
It said ‘easy’ and it is the first pattern I have tried…
I don’t understand what they mean by “Leg Openings: Next row: (RS). K5 (5-7-11). Cast off 4 (6- 6-10) sts. K36 (46-56-80) (including st on needle after cast off). Cast off 4 (6-6-10) sts. Knit to end of row.
[B]Note: All Leg sections are worked at the same time using separate balls of yarn for each section.[/B]
Beg with a purl row, work 1 (1½-1½-2½) ins [2.5 (4-4-6) cm] in stocking st, ending with purl row.
Joining row: K5 (5-7-11). Cast on 4 (6-6-10) sts. K36 (46- 56-80). Cast on 4 (6-6-10) sts. Knit to end of row. 54 (68- 82-122) sts.
Cont even until work after neckband measures 5 (6½-8-11) ins [12.5 (16.5-20.5-28) cm], ending with purl row. Place marker at each end of last row.”
Can someone put this into lamens terms for me? I got to this point OK (I think!) but now I am not sure how to proceed…Thank you!