Dog hoodie - I need help!

I am trying to follow this pattern:

It said ‘easy’ and it is the first pattern I have tried…
I don’t understand what they mean by “Leg Openings: Next row: (RS). K5 (5-7-11). Cast off 4 (6- 6-10) sts. K36 (46-56-80) (including st on needle after cast off). Cast off 4 (6-6-10) sts. Knit to end of row.
[B]Note: All Leg sections are worked at the same time using separate balls of yarn for each section.[/B]
Beg with a purl row, work 1 (1½-1½-2½) ins [2.5 (4-4-6) cm] in stocking st, ending with purl row.
Joining row: K5 (5-7-11). Cast on 4 (6-6-10) sts. K36 (46- 56-80). Cast on 4 (6-6-10) sts. Knit to end of row. 54 (68- 82-122) sts.
Cont even until work after neckband measures 5 (6½-8-11) ins [12.5 (16.5-20.5-28) cm], ending with purl row. Place marker at each end of last row.”

Can someone put this into lamens terms for me? I got to this point OK (I think!) but now I am not sure how to proceed…Thank you!

As I previously replied on another website, the layman’s term is that you need to create three balls of yarn from the one you have. You do not need to buy more yarn. Simply work from the other end of your one ball of yarn to create two more. Unwind a bit, cut it and roll it into a seperate ball.
Then follow the knitting instructions to knit the first section. Drop the yarn. Then pick up the second ball of yarn and knit section two. Drop the yarn. Then pick up the third ball of yarn and knit section three.

Ok, so ‘each section’ meaning - the piece I have started, and then “leg opening”, and then “joining row”? or do I knit two of the “leg opening” pieces and then knit the ‘joining row’ using my first piece? I am sorry this is over my head…

You’ve been knitting in one piece till now, then you knit some sts, BO a few, continue knitting across the back sts, BO a few and knit the rest of the sts. Think of them as ‘sets’ of stitches which form different sections. Your piece now looks something like this –


The upper lines are the sts you keep knitting. After the row you BO sts on, turn and knit the first set of stitches, when you get to the gap, drop the yarn, pick up a new end of yarn and knit that set of sts. When you get to the second gap, drop the yarn, pick up another end and knit the last section.

Keep working on each set of sts with it’s own yarn for the measurement for the size you’re making. Then you work the first set on that row, cast on sts over the gap, work the next set of sts with the same yarn, cast on sts, and do the last set of sts still with the same yarn. That’s the ‘joining’ row, where you get all the sts back into one piece again.

So you don’t really need a lot of yarn to do at least one of the set, either use another skein, or the other end of this one, or cut several yards off to use for one of the 3 ends you need. I don’t know how big your skein is or if you have more than one, just do what you need to get 3 ends to work with.


i know this thread ended ages ago, but i’m working on the same sweater and had another question about the pattern. can someone please elaborate on the ‘back shaping’? here is the beginning of the pattern:

The instructions are written for smallest size. Larger sizes follow in ( ).

With larger needles, cast on 40 (46-58-82) sts. Knit 5 rows, inc 4 sts evenly across last row. 44 (50-62-86) sts. Proceed in stocking st, inc 1 st at each end of needle on 3rd and every row to 50 (60-72-104) sts, then on following alt rows to 54 (68-82-122) sts. Purl 1 row.
Leg Openings: Next row: (RS). K5 (5-7-11). Cast off 4 (6-6-10) sts. K36 (46-56-80) (including st on needle after cast off). Cast off 4 (6-6-10) sts. Knit to end of row.
Note: All Leg sections are worked at the same time using separate balls of yarn for each section.
Beg with a purl row, work 1 (1½-1½-2½) ins [2.5 (4-4-6) cm] instocking st, ending with purl row.
Joining row:K5 (5-7-11). Cast on 4 (6-6-10) sts. K36 (46-56-80). Cast on 4 (6-6-10) sts. Knit to end of row. 54 (68- 82-122) sts.
Cont even until work after neckband measures 5 (6½-8-11) ins [12.5 (16.5-20.5-28) cm], ending with purl row. Place marker at each end of last row.

and here is the back shaping instruction:

Back shaping: Cast off 6 (7-9-13) sts beg next 2 rows.42 (54-64-96) sts.
Next row:(RS). Sl1. K1. psso. Knit to last 2 sts. K2tog.
Next row: Purl. Rep last 2 rows to 26 (36-42-66) sts.
Cont even until work after neckband measures 10 (12½-15½-21) ins [25.5 (32-39.5-53.5) cm], ending with purl row. Leave sts on a spare needle."

by the way, i am working on the smallest size.

thanks so much.

Welcome to KnittingHelp!
Best thing is to just take it step by step.
Cast off 6sts at the beginning of a knit row, turn, cast off 6sts at the beginning of the purl row.
On the next knit row, you’re going to decrease one stitch at each end. So: Sl1. K1. psso. Knit to last 2 sts. K2tog.
Purl the next row.
Repeat these 2 rows until you have 26sts left.
Now you don’t have to do any more shaping. Continue until you have 10 inches measured from after the neckband. End having completed a purl row.

thank so much for responding so quickly! i’ll give it a shot and will let y’all know if i get stuck. :wink:

ok! i have my 26 stitches, ending with purl row. it went great! but now i’m stuck. can y’all help me with the hood?

Hood: Place markers along cast on edge on 6th (7th-9th-10th) st from each edge. (RS). Pick up and knit 29 (33-41-63) sts between markers along cast on edge. Purl 1 row.
Next row: (RS). K14 (16-20-31). M1. K1 (place marker on center st). M1. Knit to end of row.
Next row:K3. Purl to last 3 sts. K3.
Next row: Knit to center marked st. M1. Knit marked st. M1. Knit to end of row. Rep last 2 rows 4 (5-7-9) times more. 39 (45-57-83) sts. Cont even until hood measures 5 (5½-6½-7½) ins [12.5 (14-16.5-19) cm], ending with a purl row. Cast off. Fold cast off edge in half and sew hood seam.

thanks so much!

You picked up 29sts between the markers, right?
Now you’ll shape the center of the hood for the next 6 rows. Knit 14sts, increase by lifting the bar between sts and then knit one stitch. Mark this knit stitch which is the center of the hood with a stitch marker, a safety pin or a loop of yarn around the stitch. Increase again by lifting the bar between sts and then knit 14sts to the end of the row. That’s your 29sts. The next row, k3, purl to the last 3, k3, sets up a garter stitch border at the edges of the hood to keep it from curling and make a decorative edge.
Here’s an example of the kind of increase that’s easiest to do here:

this is SO helpful. i’m almost done with the hood. thank you so much for your help! :woohoo:

the hood is done! just a few more questions:

Ribbing: (RS). With circular needle pick up and knit 33 (37-51-67) sts along body from marker to back.

K26 (36-42-66) from spare needle, dec 1 st at center.

thanks again!


Yes, pick up and knit 33, then knit across the sts on the spare needle doing the decrease as you’ve placed it and finally finish the row by picking up another 33sts along the other side of the body up to the marker on that side.
I hope we get a chance to see this hoodie completed. Congrats on all the work so far.

thank you again for helping me so much. :slight_smile: one more question, there seems to be many more stitches possible than 33, should i fudge it so 33 stitches fit?

and yes! i’m almost done. :slight_smile: pictures to follow!

You don’t need to pick up a stitch in every row. Since you’re going to be working in garter stitch for the edging, the usual ratio is to pick up 2sts for every 3 rows. A stitch or two more or less is fine too.

I usually mark off the halfway point on the edge so that I have a smaller distance to estimate where to pick up sts.

Hi! I am trying to knit the dog sweater and I’m having trouble understanding some of the directions. These are the first instructions:

With larger needles, cast on 40 (46-58-82) sts. Knit 5 rows, inc 4 sts evenly across last row. 44 (50-62-86) sts. Proceed in stocking st, inc 1 st at each end of needle on 3rd and every row to 50 (60-72-104) sts, then on following alt rows to 54 (68-82-122) sts. Purl 1 row.
Leg Openings: Next row: (RS). K5 (5-7-11). Cast off 4 (6-6-10) sts. K36 (46-56-80) (including st on needle after cast off). Cast off 4 (6-6-10) sts. Knit to end of row.
Note: All Leg sections are worked at the same time using separate balls of yarn for each section.
Beg with a purl row, work 1 (1½-1½-2½) ins [2.5 (4-4-6) cm] instocking st, ending with purl row.
Joining row:K5 (5-7-11). Cast on 4 (6-6-10) sts. K36 (46-56-80). Cast on 4 (6-6-10) sts. Knit to end of row. 54 (68- 82-122) sts.
Cont even until work after neckband measures 5 (6½-8-11) ins [12.5 (16.5-20.5-28) cm], ending with purl row. Place marker at each end of last row.

and what I’m having trouble understanding is this line:

Cont even until work after neckband measures 5 (6½-8-11) ins [12.5 (16.5-20.5-28) cm], ending with purl row. Place marker at each end of last row.

I am also having trouble with the back shaping.

Back shaping: Cast off 6 (7-9-13) sts beg next 2 rows.42 (54-64-96) sts.
Next row:(RS). Sl1. K1. psso. Knit to last 2 sts. K2tog.
Next row: Purl. Rep last 2 rows to 26 (36-42-66) sts.
Cont even until work after neckband measures 10 (12½-15½-21) ins [25.5 (32-39.5-53.5) cm], ending with purl row. Leave sts on a spare needle.

Am I working on this continuing on my sweater or do I have to knit it and attach it?

Welcome to KnittingHelp!
You have been shaping the leg openings. Now you’re to continue knitting without any increases or decreases (work even) until you reach the length given for your size. Place the markers and continue with the next section, binding off sts at the beginning of the next two rows.

Hi, I have gotten to the hood. I am very confused as to where to correctly place my markers or pick up my 29 stitches? Can you please help me?

Welcome to KH!
You’re going to pick up sts on the cast on edge. Count the given number of sts in from the side edges for your size and place a marker on that stitch. So for the smallest size, count in 6sts from the left edge and 6sts from the right edge.
Pick up sts between these two markers. So the result is that the hood sts aren’t picked up along the entire cast on edge, only a central part of it.

Oh , thank you! That makes sense.:blush:

Hood: Place markers along cast on edge on 6th (7th-9th-10th) st from each edge. (RS). Pick up and knit 29 (33-41-63) sts between markers along cast on edge. Purl 1 row.
Next row: (RS). K14 (16-20-31). M1. K1 (place marker on center st). M1. Knit to end of row.
Next row:K3. Purl to last 3 sts. K3.
Next row: Knit to center marked st. M1. Knit marked st. M1. Knit to end of row. Rep last 2 rows 4 (5-7-9) times more. 39 (45-57-83) sts. Cont even until hood measures 5 (5½-6½-7½) ins [12.5 (14-16.5-19) cm], ending with a purl row. Cast off. Fold cast off edge in half and sew hood seam

I’m stuck at this part of the sweater. I’m a total newbie to knitting but have managed to make it this far in the pattern (with ALOT of help from this forum :joy:)

Do I cast on new stitches for the hood portion? I have all my previous work on a spare needle. My apologies if my question is too vague. I’m not entirely sure how to convey it clearly.