Do you knit or purl a yarn over stitch???

I’m doing this pattern right now: (free download)

Theres a round of lace (I think) in the beginning. It has Yarn Overs. Then after that the pattern says to knit the knits and purl the purls. I’m confused about what I should do for the yarn overs (aka increases). Do I count them as knits or purls?

Welcome to the forum!
Many thanks for the pattern link. Since it’s knit in the round, every round is a right side round, so knit the yarn overs unless your pattern says otherwise.

(If it were knit back and forth you would purl the yarn overs on the wrong side row.)

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Thank you, that makes more sense.

But I’ve got another question for the same pattern. When there is a yarn over at the end of an odd row, it carries over to the next row right? So all even numbered rows are the knit every knit stitch and purl every purl stitch which I said before.

I literally don’t know how to word this, but after that, it’s not aligned anymore since the yarn over from the last last row is there. There are hundreds of people who have successfully done it and I’m so confused. Is it supposed to be there or what???

Are you working the yarn over as just that, yarn between the needles, over the right needle to the back? No knit stitch involved?
A yarn over at the end of a round is just that, the end of an odd numbered round. Then slip your beginning of round marker and begin the next round, the even number round. Your yarn strand will continue of course but the yarn over stays to the right of the marker.

If you keep a beginning of round marker it’ll also help you see that the last yarn over doesn’t carry over to the next round. The next stitch, whether knit or purl is in the next round.

If that doesn’t help I can take a photo of a small swatch which might clear it up.

Okay I think that makes sense. I was just kinda confused cause the yarn over is connected to the next stitch and stuff. I’ll try it out…

(This is like the fourth time I’m starting over I swear to God)

Well yes, all the sts are connected to the next stitch, the yarn over no more than any other. It just looks a bit odd in its connection. And it may try to creep over the beginning of round marker but don’t let it!
Here’s a video for inserting a lifeline which can really help with all patterns but especially lace. At least you won’t have to rip back to the beginning.

Good luck with it. It’s a always humbling and a learning experience for all of us, believe me.

I’m back (lol I’m so sorry I might be visiting and commenting here often)

Your explanation worked well I think. I say “I think” cause I’m wondering something for the next few lines:

Round 1: work the 12 stitches of Row 1 of the lace pattern (ignoring the “no stitch” spaces on the chart) a total of 9
Round 2: (and al subsequent even‐numbered rows) knit the knit stitches and purl the purls stitches
Work Rows 1‐6 of the pattern 8 times, a total of 48 rows.

Do I do row 1 and row 2 THEN do the 1-6 8 times or… do row 1 and row 2 and count that as a part of the 8 repeats. Probably trivial but I dunno if I can tell from the images people took on the ravelry page

It’s a good question. Sometimes patterns are very explicit and say “work 8 times more” but that’s not the case here. Because it does say a total of 48 rows (or rounds), I’d say work the lace pattern 7 times more for a total of 48 rounds. In other words count row 1 and 2 as part of the 8 repeats.

Of course, if you think the cozy would look better with an extra repeat you can always add it assuming you have enough yarn.

We’re happy to have you come back with questions so don’t hesitate.