Looking for directions in Spanish with pictures to teach basic knitting to children. Thanks!
Directions in Spanish for knitting
I don’t know of a technique called Spanish knitting so I assume you mean directions written in Spanish? I’m sure those must be around…try googling “knitting instruction spanish” and see what comes up.
Here’s some english directions, but with good photos. On the panel on the left shows other knitting instructions.
The Lion brand website has basic how to knit (and Crochet) in spanish. There’s pictures, the videos are in english I think.
iKnitt, “donde encontra todo acerca de tejer en la web.”
Hay muchos tutoriales (desafortunadamente, ningunos para niños) sobre los puntos, las agujas, cualquieras cosas quieres aprender.
(There are lots of tutorials (unfortunately, none for children) about stitches, needles, whatever things you want to learn.)