Differences among YO, YF, & YRN Video?

Looking for video showing different yarn maneuvers for YO, YF, & YRN. (yarn over, yarn forward, yarn round needle)

It was recently described to me that these 3 techniques are, in fact, all different from each other, even though they appear to be similar. It was also pointed out that they each affect the finished dimensions of a garment in different ways, because they each use different amounts of yarn. Do you have a video that addresses these differences in both the mechanics of each technique, and what the finished result may look like?

I am finding YO & M1L/M1R, but not finding YF or YRN.

Below is copy of instructions I was given:

[I]YO (Yarn Over): Yarn over needle fron back to front, going from front to back under needle first if required.
YF (Yarn Forward): Always starts with the yarn at the back and goes under needle rather than over.
YRN (Yarn Round Needle): A backwards YO, so over needle from front to back then under from back to front.[/I]

Thanks for any visuals you can direct me to that would make this easier to understand.

These are all terms for YO which is in the increase videos and the instructions you were given seem to be very confusing and not quite right. A yf is done between 2 knits - bring the yarn forward after the first knit and knit the 2nd st and it makes the YO. The yrn is usually done when going from a purl to a purl - bring the yarn all the way around the needle then to the front again to purl the next stitch. To call it a backwards YO isn’t correct, that would be when you wrap the yarn backwards. The instructions for it seem to be for a YO between 2 purls.

There is a video HERE that is on this site that shows a yarn over between knits and one that has a knit stitch followed by a purl stitch. It is the last increase on the page.

It does not use the terms YRN, YF. In American English we call all these types of maneuvers yarn overs and usually you see the abbreviation YO, although I have seen just an O in some old patterns. Patterns from the British Isles and maybe other places sometimes use other terms, the yarn round needle (YRN) being one and you often see yfwd (yarn forward). When I see any of these terms I just do a yarn over. But… there are different kinds of yarn overs. The different ones are based on the stitches before and after the yarn over (a yarn over is always only a maneuver done between stitches). To me it is very confusing to try to learn all the different terms, and much easier to understand how a yarn over is formed in any situation. Here is the best information I know of about yarn overs.


This is not a video, there aren’t even pictures, but the explanations are quite clear. If you read and study everything on that page, in conjunction with the video, you will be able to do yarn overs in any situation.

I might add that sometimes directions don’t want you to make an actual yarn over and will say yf (yarn forward) or yb (yarn back) or wyif (with yarn in front) or wyib (with yarn in back). In these cases they just want you to move the yarn from its position to the one given by moving the yarn between the needle tips. This is to get you ready to do what they want next, for whatever reason.