Looking for video showing different yarn maneuvers for YO, YF, & YRN. (yarn over, yarn forward, yarn round needle)
It was recently described to me that these 3 techniques are, in fact, all different from each other, even though they appear to be similar. It was also pointed out that they each affect the finished dimensions of a garment in different ways, because they each use different amounts of yarn. Do you have a video that addresses these differences in both the mechanics of each technique, and what the finished result may look like?
I am finding YO & M1L/M1R, but not finding YF or YRN.
Below is copy of instructions I was given:
[I]YO (Yarn Over): Yarn over needle fron back to front, going from front to back under needle first if required.
YF (Yarn Forward): Always starts with the yarn at the back and goes under needle rather than over.
YRN (Yarn Round Needle): A backwards YO, so over needle from front to back then under from back to front.[/I]
Thanks for any visuals you can direct me to that would make this easier to understand.