Desperately Seeking Knitted Lawn Goose Patterns

Hello! I am brand new to this site and excited to find all the hidden treasures. :slight_smile:
My daughter received a cement lawn goose for Mother’s Day this year and I am trying to find patterns to KNIT clothes for her. Everything I find is in crochet–which is ADORABLE, but I don’t know how to crochet! (Other than around my knitting, etc.)
Does ANYONE have a source they can direct me to where I can find such patterns? I will be eternally grateful for any and all assistance.
Have a wonderful Tuesday!


Oh my word, you just introduced me to a whole world of kitsch hilarity I didn’t know existed!!!
Is this an American thing?

Jumping head first down the web wormhole of goose clothing design and patterns… I may be sometime!

It must be. LOL! I haven’t seen any since the 80’s, but she was SUPER excited to get one. She can’t wait to dress her up for all the occasions. :slight_smile: She has named her Blanche and has her right outside her front door. (Yes, my daughter is a goofball in her 30’s)
The clothes look something like this…

I am starting to think I am going to have to figure out something on my own. (Which I am not very good at!)


Welcome to KH!
Those are hysterical.
Mary Maxim has one or two and maybe more.

They are scarce. I hope we get to see Blanche in all her new clothes!

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I saw those, but when I went to the site to download, it only had one available and it was crocheted. :frowning:

WAIT!! Those two are knitted! YAY!!! Maybe I can alter from that to get more little outfits. :slight_smile:


Yes, once you have the basic pattern you can wing it (ouch). I love the variations on headgear in the geese you posted.


I love how you put, “concrete lawn goose” and “knit clothes” in the same paragraph and then think you need to show me what the clothes look like - as though I have not been down the wormhole hole of goose clothing for the past several hours lol!!!

I’m so glad you have worked out that some of the patterns are knit because I can’t wait to see pics of Blanche in her new wardrobe!

There are a few on this site, check each one individually if knit or crochet. The patterns for the 3 you posted are knit and seem to be sold individually, plus the 2 salmonmac posted and also this one

I think as you’ve already said with one or two patterns you can probably do lots of variations as there’s plenty of inspiration on the Web!

I notice too that a great many of the outfits are based on a semi-circle cape shape with small semi-circle shaping for the neck, and then fastened with a tie cord, buttons or seamed together and elastic added at the neck. I think you could find or work out a basic semi circle knit pattern and again make variations. There is a sewing tutorial for taking neck and body measurements to make a paper pattern for sewing the basic cape type costume which could be a place to start, and use the paper pattern to work out a knit pattern.

I’m sure if there was a particular outfit you want to try to make there would be some ideas from the community here too.

Edited to add: on the Mary maxim page I linked there is a ‘contact us’ link right at the bottom of the page, you could check if the patterns come as a 2/3 collection or individually and ask for info of all knit patterns they have.

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