Decreasing at neck edge in moss stitch

I have scoured the net for an answer to this question and there seems to be only one video available which, unfortunately, I find misleading as the tutor talks about the wrong side of the piece then refers to it as the right side. I have even knitted a swatch to try various combinations of decreasing at the neck edge on 3 sequential rows but haven’t found a combination that doesn’t look odd. Any ideas pretty please?

Welcome to the forumj!
What is the name of your pattern?
Is there a collar or neckband that will cover a decrease at the edge of the neck?

Thank you for the welcome. The pattern is a tunic knitted in moss stitch using Special XL Super Chunky Yarn. The ply of the yarn is such that any mis-stitch or untidy stitches will stick out like a sore thumb. The neck edge decreasing will be adjacent to the neckband which will be picked up once the right shoulder seams have been joined. If I have to pick up these stitches too far in to disguise the decreases there will be a huge seam which will probably be noticeable (and will most certainly be uncomfortable) because of the bulky yarn I’m using. I’ve even tried decreasing using the first two stitches but, again, I will have to pick up neckband stitches further in, still creating a bulky seam. I actually thought the wonders of the internet would enlighten me (I’ve picked up loads of useful knitting tips through searching the web), but I can only find the one reference to decreasing in moss stitch. The pieces I have knitted (back, front and part of a sleeve) look really good and I don’t want to have to undo it because of this problem. Any suggestions would be gratefully received. Cheers, Debbie

You can move the decreases 1 or 2 sts in from the edge and then pick up right along the neck edge leaving the line of decreases to show to the side of the collar. This is often done on sweaters both handmade and commercial.
Alternatively you can place the decreases right at the neck edge, that is the 2sts at the end of the row or the beginning of the next row. That way they would be hidden when you pick up the neckband.
Does the pattern have a name and designer or source? It may help us.

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Hi. I tuinknjve seen the tutorial you didn’t like. The tutor does refer to the work as wrong side and later right side but for the purposes of demonstrating how to work out whether to knit or purl the decrease to maintain the stitch pattern. Is it maintaining the stitch pattern you are finding tricky or is it something else?

Im not sure if you are working American or British moss stitch… but either way you might find it helpful to look at tutorials for seed stitch as it is similar.

This video might help as she includes the need to choose which stitch should sit on top in the decrease, to produce a neater finish and also how to keep the edge stitch neat for seaming or picking up at later

Thank you for getting back to me. I started the decreases 1 stitch in from the edge, then I tried decreasing the first 2 stiches in and then 3 stitches in. The problem with decreasing at the edge, and the wool being super chunky, the gaps are huge and to pick up stitches where these gaps are would leave gaps between the neck edge and the ribbed neckline. I’ve tried 1 stitch in and 2 stitches in on my makeshift knitted swatch and I can’t disguise the disruption to the flow of the pattern. I think I will probably go with knitting/purling the first 2 stitches and live with a thick seam where I have to pick up stitches on the neckband. I just wanted this to be perfect - I only started knitting again during Covid lockdown after a (dare I say it) probably 40 year gap and I am absolutely hooked (or is that a crochet term). The pattern is Stylecraft, no designer credited, but I may just contact them as I have used the recommended yarn so maybe they can give me a clue. Thank you for the pointer and thank you for your time. Cheers, Debbie x

I’m glad it wasn’t me that was misinterpreted the video tutorial, I went back to it a few times and she lost me. Maintaining the stitch pattern is my problem; I have tried all sorts of combinations, but I end up with rows of mismatched stitches. I am working British moss stitch and I have looked at a couple of seed stitch videos, but I do find that the sound quality, or my poor hearing, leave me unable to completely understand what is being said. (I do try and find pictorial explanations of knitting techniques, but these are few and far between). I will take a look at the video - keep your fingers (and knitting needles) crossed for me and thank you for your time. Cheers, Debbie x

Contacting the company is worthwhile. Honestly I would go with the decrease at the very edge. It gives you the cleanest edge and you can pick up sts just one stitch in from that decrease edge. Well good luck with it. I’m sure it will turn out well however you decide to go.

The video I linked focuses more on where and how to do a purl decrease in moss stitch and which type of purl decrease to do, left or right leaning.
The video does not cover how to do the knit decreases, they are mentioned but not demonstrated. If you need help with that let us know.
The video does not cover in detail how to decide which sort of decrease you need (knit or purl) to maintain your stitch pattern. It is touched upon but not focused on. Deciding whether to knit or purl depends on what will come AFTER the decrease, if the stitch after the decrease is a knit then your decrease needs to be purl. If the next stitch is going to be a purl then your decrease is worked as a knit.
If you have been doing this but still resulted in mismatched stitches it could be that you have the wrong stitch on top in the decrease and that is where this video helps.
Depending which stitch you need to work and which stitch needs to show on the right side (and sit on top on the right side when the 2 stitches are worked together) there are 4 options
K2tog, ssk (slip slip knit 2 together through the back loop)
P2tog, ssp (slip slip purl 2 together through the back loop).

Do ask again if you need more help.

Many, many thanks for your help and the time you devoted to getting me through this. I tried again using your advice and the chart from the video but I realised that there was still a problem because the decreases at the neck edge were done in three consecutive rows and wouldn’t look right whatever I did so I decided, as I had a few rows to play with before the shoulders, that I would decrease the stitches on alternate rows. It now looks so much better and there is less bulk at the edge of the piece and I don’t think the neck shape and neck band will suffer with this minor adjustment. You are indeed a megastar!

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Very good solution! I hope all goes easily from now on but if not, come back and we’ll see if we can help. You’re being very creative on your own. And of course, we’d love to see a photo when you finish.