Dec at each end of next & 3 foll 4th rows?

[COLOR=“DarkRed”]Help!!! dec at each end of next & 3 foll 4th rows ??? What does this mean?[/COLOR]:knitting: :knitting:

dec at each end of next & 3 foll 4th rows

this means…

you will decrease at the begining and end of the next row…
and knit(or whatever your doing) with no decreasing for the next 3 rows.
and on the next row (4th row) you will decrease at the begining and end.
and knit(or whatever your doing) with no decreasing for the next 3 rows.
and on the next row (4th row) you will decrease at the begining and end.
and knit(or whatever your doing) with no decreasing for the next 3 rows.
and on the next row (4th row) you will decrease at the begining and end.

thats it:)…on to the next part.:thumbsup:


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Dec at the beg and end of the next row, then on every 4th row after that for 3 times.

I am casting of for the armhole on a cardigan. Cast off 3 stitches at armhole edge on next two rows I understand, but then I cannot understand this next instruction

Start with 59 sets
Dec 1 st at each end of next and 3 foll 4th rows, then on foll 13 alt rows
25 sts

I keep getting 31 sts, can anyone convert this to English lol

Welcome to KnittingHelp!
It should work out to 25sts remaining:
Call the next row, row 1. You should dec on rows 1,5,9,and 13 (that’s 8sts decreased).
Then on rows 15,17,19,21,23 etc. (that’s 26sts decreased).
Total dec is 34sts.

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Thank you

Hello. I’m sorry to appear rather stupid but I have a similar problem with another knitter. My pattern says dec 1 stitch at end of 8th and 13 foll 6th rows. I understand decreasing on 8th. Do I then do another 5 rows making it 13 altogether, then dec after another 8 rows, then knit another 5 rows - 6 times?
I thought I was a good knitter but I’m struggling. Please help.

Welcome to the forum!
It’s a good question and you’re not alone in trying to figure out these kinds of directions.

Dec at end of the 8th and then on every 6th row. The number of times you decrease on the 6th rows is 13 times.
Dec at the end of row 8 and then rows 14,20,26,32,38,44, etc until you’ve decreased on row 86.

Thank you so much. I almost gave up for fear of the back not matching the front through my lack of understanding. Haha!! I wonder why the pattern does not put it as clearly as you have. Ahh well… xx

Hi there. Can you please tell me what it means in knitting
dec on 3rd row then in brackets. ( 3rd next next?? ) then 4th row (alt alt alt??) ? Never seen these instructions in brackets before. Cheers Rae 17144552431871220067981343074653|900x1200

Welcome to the forum!
The directions in brackets refer to the different sizes. If you’re making the first size you would follow the first number before the bracket, decrease at each end of row 3 and then on the following 4th? rows (I can’t quite see the number in the photo) until you get to 45sts . Then proceed with the directions possibly for size small.
It’s helpful to circle or highlight the number for the size you are making just to be sure you can follow the correct ones.
What is the name of your pattern and designer?

Thanks so much for reply. I still don’t get the next next ???. It’s to 13 stitches for the largest size. The ragla. On the back was decrease on every 2nd row so I guess I will just do the same for sleeves. Cheers Rae

All you need to pay attention to is the direction to decrease on the “next row” for the largest size. You’ve just worked the 4th row so now dec at each end on row 5. Then dec on rows 7,9,11,13, etc until 13sts. Follow the type of decrease and the placement 2sts in from the ends as shown in row 3 in the directions.
Enjoy the knitting!

When there is an instruction such as
3rd (3rd, next, next)
Only one of these four instructions will be followed for any size. There are four size options for the pattern and each instruction has four different sizes but only one is followed. So there is no “next, next” to follow.

Hope you have managed to get past this tricky part.